Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Every Individual rather any Life or thing available in this World is Unique in itself with No parallel to it.. A master piece because the Supreme Creator the GOD Never creates less than a masterpiece and never repeats, since Existence never repeats itself is the Law of the Nature. One should and must feel proud of oneself that in this whole Universe there is none equal to him/her and  you are the most special one on this Earth with some special purpose which is not yet known to you but the blue print of it is within you  in the form of lines on your palm, on your face, which is Unique Lines on your palm, even the sketch of your thumb, features on your face, iris of your Eyes NEVER MATCH  with any other individual because you are so Unique. Be proud of your Uniqueness, accept your uniqueness and work according to your inner voice, intuition since that is the command from your Master, your Father/Mother the GOD or any other name you may like to call it. You are the creation of God and no creation can be bigger than its creator and the creator can never be far from its creation. It is within its creation as a seed of a fruit is within the fruit itself.


Your Physical Body is an assembly of your Body organs visual that is outer as well as inner that is Heart, Liver, pancreas, Kidney and so on  and your Body  which is a vehicle functions by virtue of  fuel/ Energy which is formed through the Food we eat, you may call it Petrol, Diesel  and/or other form(s) of energy by which the motor land vehicles run on roads or rails or the aero planes or ships sail in ocean but so far every vehicle in controlled by its Driver by what ever name you may call it. Here Driver of the Body vehicle is SOUL which is segment of the Supreme Soul connected with the body by virtue of Centrifugal and Centripetal law of science  and the food for the SOUL is LOVE. When the  driver of the vehicle  is hungry,  its faculties to work are bound to become erratic which is being observed in day to day life.  Soul of the People is hungry. It needs LOVE but love is condemned by your impotent Religions for obvious reasons and by the male dominated society. Man being devoid of Love which is biological need also feels dissatisfied in life and to feel satisfied he/she collects objective assets like big houses, costly vehicles, golden ornaments etc  but still the inner urge have not been satisfied takes to crimes such as Rape, molestation and what not as a substitute of true love which still remains far away and man feel disturbed, frustrated and angry which is cause of road rage, assaults, quarrels on pity matters and murders to acquire money which may match the urge for Love but in vain.


Family is the smallest unit consisting of male and females, closeness of males and females form a society and vast number of societies form as Nation. .  Walls of a building does not form family, mass of people together at a place does not form society and a particular territory does not form a Nation. In my book WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS under Chapter SOCIETY I have said there are men and women but no society as such.  All individuals born the same way, die the same way, eat, drink, work, sleep and function in life the same way, in spite of features in each body features are different, colour of blood although being same red but blood group and DNA is different. Although each Individual is Unique just as all weddings are same but each marriage is different in the same way although all individuals are alike but each one is different but an integral part of the WHOLE. We are  made for the Whole but we have been divided by our RELIGIONS, CASTES, SECTS, TRIBES, LANGUAGE, POLITICAL AFFELIATIONS AND NATIONALITIES WHICH ARE ALL MAN MADE.  Man has been made killer of man kind, Human has become inhuman, Respects, regards, affection, affinity, fraternity among human being has vanished. Absence  of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony, chaos and anarchy right from family level to the national level. Humanity is at the verge of its disaster through out the world because of the lack of wisdom which comes from true love by practice of MEDITATION.


Man of the present era is guided by its Mind which is a great creator and manipulator of things opposed to each other. Mind has created HELL ON EARTH WHICH IS HEAEN IN FACT THE CREATION OF GOD.  Earth is a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and each type of flower has its own fragrance. In the same way each Individual has its own vibrations. We are all beloved children of ONE GOD, LIVE ON ONE EARTH, BREATH THE SAME AIR, MOVE UNDER THE SAME SKY UNDER THE SAME SUN, DRINK THE SAME WATER AND DWELLIN THE SAME ATMOSPHERE SO I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND HOW WE ARE DIFFERENT??  Ponder  over, be aware of forces which divide humanity which is whole and the whole is holy all children of ONE GOD ON THIS EARTH. Let’s Unite since UNION IS STRENGTH  which provides courage to LOVE and LOVE IS NOTHING ELSE BUT GOD.     

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