Friday, September 28, 2012


Marriage is a coined word ‘Merry’ + ‘Age’ means the age to make merry to be joyous, jovial, playful etc.  Marriage is performed through the ceremony called wedding, all weddings are same but each marriage is different. As per our ‘shastras’ there are 84 lakh yonies  forms of life on this planet Earth out of which Human Beings (Man – woman) are one of them. NO species out of 84  lakh  yonies ever perform marriage except Human beings.

As per the COSMIC law there are  pares ‘negative –positive’ night-day, good-bad, sweet-sore, intelligent – unintelligent, etc and combination of the two said energies makes the manifested Energy. God is un-manifested Energy but it manifests through life in any form. Electricity becomes manifested when negative and positive wires are joined together. Similarly when male and female, positive & negative energies meet live is formed through which God manifests.  It is very pious union of the two energies positive & negative and the life is the abode of God on Earth. A living Body is the only Unique Temple of God on Earth to be worshiped.

In the Cosmos there are seven Skies, Seven stars, seven chakras in our body, seven days of the week, seven  bodies in the Cosmos and our body being a mine cosmos also possesses seven bodies within the physical body which is just a birth day suit of the seven bodies.  Marriage according to the law of nature should and must be meeting, mingling and merging  into one the energy within two bodies of male and female from Body level, Mind level and from Soul level.  Soul is nothing but Energy, Spirit which when moves in the circle forms a circle, a ball of energy. When male & female must meet, the body and Mind must drop. Body is objective like any other valuable object in the house like TV, Fridge, Car etc and Mind is a manipulator, a business man. It is only the Soul which is flexible like water, Air, space, Fire the essential elements of life individual and Universal. If  the marriage is performed  according to nature is it one of the manifested forms of God. If you have a real wife & husband befitting to the above said levels touching seven layers within the body, mind and soul then you don’t need any God in illusion. Your wife or husband is God in your cuddle. But unfortunately this has never happened in our society. Marriage kills the individual and his/her freedom and makes the person as article, an object, an asset to be possessed but not as an integral  part of your own body just as left and rights arms of the body.

We have drafted from the law of nature and hence the marriage is proving as a burden in life.  According to Statutory Law laid down by the legislature marriage is a Socio-legal contract. Statutory law is made by man, and the institution of marriage is also made by man. No man is perfect. How a person who is imperfect in himself/herself make the perfect law to be followed by all others. Statutory laws are made by Mind, Marriage laws are also made by mind and the Mind as said above is a Business man. Therefore, all marriages resolved around money in the form of Dowry,  costly gifts etc and in spite of legislation  against Dowry, Domestic violence crime is increasing day by day is the proof beyond doubt the statutory legislation has failed and failed miserably and the society and homes are no more sweet homes as said East or west home is the best. I declare law as guilty and Religion as prompter of crime against women. Marriage performed according to statutory and religious laws have created prisons in each house where couples are obliged to live together without love but to grab property a business deal.

In the whole universe except man NO species ever marry but they do cohabit, make love, produce children, take care of them till the siblings are capable to do for their own. There is NO RAPE, NO EVE TEASING, NO MOLESTATION, NO DOWRY, NO GIFTS,  NO LEGISLATION, NO POLICE AND  NO COURTS OF LAW but they all follow the law of Nature and  enjoy life the gift from God without any problem whatsoever.  Man who is said to be a social animal and Civilized  has become BARBARIAN  and is neither social, nor animal and not the lease Civilized . It is well said if Wealth is lost, Nothing is lost, If health is llost, some thing is lost, but if CHARACTER IS LOST EVERY THING IS LOST. I find man has lost his/her character to be responsible towards the siblings he/she produces for not fault on the innocent kids who are the would be citizens of the Country and they may curse their parents for NOT PROVIDING THEM DUE LOVE WHICH IS THE FOOD FOR THE SOUL and they shall also curse the Law of the Land to make them unwanted children on the street worst than even dogs or animals.  Hence Institution of marriage is UN-NATURAL.

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