Friday, September 28, 2012


Marriage is a coined word ‘Merry’ + ‘Age’ means the age to make merry to be joyous, jovial, playful etc.  Marriage is performed through the ceremony called wedding, all weddings are same but each marriage is different. As per our ‘shastras’ there are 84 lakh yonies  forms of life on this planet Earth out of which Human Beings (Man – woman) are one of them. NO species out of 84  lakh  yonies ever perform marriage except Human beings.

As per the COSMIC law there are  pares ‘negative –positive’ night-day, good-bad, sweet-sore, intelligent – unintelligent, etc and combination of the two said energies makes the manifested Energy. God is un-manifested Energy but it manifests through life in any form. Electricity becomes manifested when negative and positive wires are joined together. Similarly when male and female, positive & negative energies meet live is formed through which God manifests.  It is very pious union of the two energies positive & negative and the life is the abode of God on Earth. A living Body is the only Unique Temple of God on Earth to be worshiped.

In the Cosmos there are seven Skies, Seven stars, seven chakras in our body, seven days of the week, seven  bodies in the Cosmos and our body being a mine cosmos also possesses seven bodies within the physical body which is just a birth day suit of the seven bodies.  Marriage according to the law of nature should and must be meeting, mingling and merging  into one the energy within two bodies of male and female from Body level, Mind level and from Soul level.  Soul is nothing but Energy, Spirit which when moves in the circle forms a circle, a ball of energy. When male & female must meet, the body and Mind must drop. Body is objective like any other valuable object in the house like TV, Fridge, Car etc and Mind is a manipulator, a business man. It is only the Soul which is flexible like water, Air, space, Fire the essential elements of life individual and Universal. If  the marriage is performed  according to nature is it one of the manifested forms of God. If you have a real wife & husband befitting to the above said levels touching seven layers within the body, mind and soul then you don’t need any God in illusion. Your wife or husband is God in your cuddle. But unfortunately this has never happened in our society. Marriage kills the individual and his/her freedom and makes the person as article, an object, an asset to be possessed but not as an integral  part of your own body just as left and rights arms of the body.

We have drafted from the law of nature and hence the marriage is proving as a burden in life.  According to Statutory Law laid down by the legislature marriage is a Socio-legal contract. Statutory law is made by man, and the institution of marriage is also made by man. No man is perfect. How a person who is imperfect in himself/herself make the perfect law to be followed by all others. Statutory laws are made by Mind, Marriage laws are also made by mind and the Mind as said above is a Business man. Therefore, all marriages resolved around money in the form of Dowry,  costly gifts etc and in spite of legislation  against Dowry, Domestic violence crime is increasing day by day is the proof beyond doubt the statutory legislation has failed and failed miserably and the society and homes are no more sweet homes as said East or west home is the best. I declare law as guilty and Religion as prompter of crime against women. Marriage performed according to statutory and religious laws have created prisons in each house where couples are obliged to live together without love but to grab property a business deal.

In the whole universe except man NO species ever marry but they do cohabit, make love, produce children, take care of them till the siblings are capable to do for their own. There is NO RAPE, NO EVE TEASING, NO MOLESTATION, NO DOWRY, NO GIFTS,  NO LEGISLATION, NO POLICE AND  NO COURTS OF LAW but they all follow the law of Nature and  enjoy life the gift from God without any problem whatsoever.  Man who is said to be a social animal and Civilized  has become BARBARIAN  and is neither social, nor animal and not the lease Civilized . It is well said if Wealth is lost, Nothing is lost, If health is llost, some thing is lost, but if CHARACTER IS LOST EVERY THING IS LOST. I find man has lost his/her character to be responsible towards the siblings he/she produces for not fault on the innocent kids who are the would be citizens of the Country and they may curse their parents for NOT PROVIDING THEM DUE LOVE WHICH IS THE FOOD FOR THE SOUL and they shall also curse the Law of the Land to make them unwanted children on the street worst than even dogs or animals.  Hence Institution of marriage is UN-NATURAL.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Every child knows about Fire the most essential and commonly used in Life for cooking food. Like Water Fire is Life. While writing about AIR I mentioned about invisible PRAN that is Fire. It enters with the first breath in our body and goes out with the last breath we take after which we are declared  as dead and during out first breath to the last out body remains WARM because of the element of Fire within it. As the fire cooks out food in the same manner the fire cooks, makes soft and liquid the food we eat within our stomach and the liquid juices turn into blood, the fuel of life to run into our veins and arteries  to keep our body fresh, growing and glowing. Body with the help of water and fire within our body transforms the food into organic to form hormones, muscles, body cells, bones and creates mysterious energy to heal the body itself as and when some essential elements become deficient in the body. The divine energy supplies the required metals, minerals and chemicals to the ailing part of the body while extracting the same from the balanced food we eat.

You will feel warmth if you rub your hands and/or touch your own body or the body of some one else. It is the warmth due to the presence of Fire in the body.  The source of Fire is SUN and in all parts of the World SUN is respected and worshiped as SUN GOD because of which all life on Earth functions grows glows and moves without fear. Darkness is symbolic of fear while Sunlight is symbolic of courage, the Life. Life and courage go together because the dead has no courage.

Energy Fire is essential in our life as experienced around us in the form of Electricity because of which all our electrical and electronic gadgets function and give us enjoyment in life. Energy Fire is Life and Life is nothing but GOD manifested on Earth. For Love also you need Fire’s energy and when to negative and positive energies meet and mingle to become one energy a new life is conceived within the womb of the female to be delivered after due natural course. Though ordinary sex between a male and female a child is born but through Meditative sex between two spiritual Souls Divine child is born with glow of SUN on his/her face and he/she is worshiped in the Universe as God just like Lord Jesus, Karan of Maha Bharths and Hanuman of Ramayana.

In India Sun shines for the major part of the year but the SUN energy is wasted which can be used for creating machines, vehicled, gadgets which may run by Solar energy but we particularly the people at key posts talk much but do little creative and positive works.

During the five ENERGY series of essential elements of life and cosmos  EARTH, WATER, SPACE, AIR AND FIRE I have tried to convey that we all are made of the five elements and all these elements are without any Religion, caste, sect and/or tribe we are followed by human beings. Humanity has been divided for obvious reasons.  I believe and practice that there is ONE GOD, ONE EARTH, ONE HUMANITY AND WE ARE ALL BELOVED CHILDREN OF GOD ON EARTH in its manifested form in the form of all Life in any form and all that is around us is for the enjoyment of  life on Earth.  Let us PONDER OVER, WHY AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE HUMAN BEINGS ARE FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER FOR THINGS UNNATURAL, MAN MADE for no good purpose to serve the mankind.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Further to ENERGY  series after EARTH, WATER & SPACE , AIR is Omni forum like Water, the flexible, colorless, adaptable, humble non resistant, with cooling character flowing and capable to fly- evaporate but not to fight  but if furious it can destroy whatsoever comes in its way.  AIR is also one the five Elements of which Life on Earth is made of. As per science AIR consists of OXYGEN, CORBON-DIXED, NIGHTROGEN etc but science is unknown to the Divine Element in it, the essential part that is PRAN in Air which infuses Life in Life on Earth. It is like the Divine quality of RAIN DROPS which add life to the crops different than watering of plants with ordinary water. All life on Earth Breaths AIR through the process of exhaling and inhaling but the element PRAN is invisible which the Functioning Energy in all life on Earth .

Element of PRAN is so vital in AIR for life without which life cannot exist. PRAN is not only invisible but colorless, classless, secular, casteless and essential for Life to exist. It is with all living life but unattached, uncontrollable absolutely free from bondage of any type. Religions have divided Humanity but AIR Unites Humanity, the children of one Parent you may call GOD or by whatsoever name you like. People of all Religions, Faiths do breath AIR containing PRAN without any objection, inconvenience or embrossment  and at the same time the PRAN in AIR cannot be withheld more than few seconds either within the body or out side the body because it is uncontrollable and free to move. When a patient with breathing problem is admitted in some hospital the fist aid is to administer OXYGEN to the patient to keep his/her breathing cell alive and functioning so that these may not die, once the cells die these cannot be revived by any means. The artificial oxygen cannot keep the patient alive for long; it only helps the breathing cells to function. AIR with PRAN is essential element for life.

AIR is form less and flexible like water and can be filled in any container and its energy gives movement to it. In olden times Grinding Mills used to rotate with AIR but this vital Energy is being wasted. Boats men, navigators, aeronautics Air force  still take help of Air for movements of their vehicles and if the Scientists and Government feel inclined AIR energy can used can fuel for motor land  vehicles in place of costly  Petrol and diesel. Any way its not my subject at hand.

As a Spiritualist my subject is Humanity which is at the verge to collapse because of inhuman teachings, preaching’s of Religions and Politics. When to live we all are breathing the same Air without any difficulty, it means we all are connected, associated with each other through the common cord  called Breath and we all belong to one parents but unfortunately divided by Religions  and Politicians for their vested interests.  When we breathe the same AIR to live HOW can we be different in life for Religious or Political purposes??  PRAN IS SEGMENTOF DIVINE ENERGY OMNIPRESENT. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Absence of Harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of Frustration & Agony.

Swami Vevikanand said ‘Give me a small child, and I can make him SAINT or SINNER as I may like.

Cardinal Principle of Law is that JUSTICE DELAYUED IS JUSTICE DENIED that is Justice should not be delayed and must be delivered at the earliest  but it is only on paper  and far from the facts. Substantive Law is in few lines but the Procedural Law is very  complicated, cumbersome involving lot of  redtapeism and  above all the Professionals strategies and tactics and at the top of it THE GODDESS OF JUSTICE IS BLINDFOLDED (please read my Blog dated June 9, 2011 )  she only hears and doesn’t see. YOU MAY CRITICISE THE JUDGMENT BUT NOT THE JUDGE.  What does it mean. Statutory Law and the Rules are the product of the Mind. Law is made by , interpreted by mind from the lowest court to the Apex Court and also through learned Advocates and Hon’ble Judges through their experienced and fertile minds only as per the documents/evidence on record but NEVER looking on the face and into the eyes of the offender which never lie. Words of mouth often lie but eyes never lie. Irony is that Goddess of Justice is Blindfolded she can never see into the eyes of the offender and therefore, there is every possibility of miscarriage of injustice. The learned Judge as a person without wearing robes may be knowing the understanding the truth behind as to whether is offence is committed by the accused or not but the Judge sitting on the chair of Justice is blindfolded, he/she is not supposed to see with his/her naked eyes. Therefore, it is said that Judgment may be criticized but not the Judge.

In today’s Hindustan Times that is September 21, 2012 on frond page is the news COP AVENGES SISTER’S DEATH, KILLS, HIMSELF- HT Correspondent.  It is a Flagrant case of JUSTICE DELAYED. In the year 2002 Manoj got married to Rachna, she shed to be allegedly harassed for dowry, she hanged herself in 2003. Matter went to Court including Delhi High Court. Rachna’s brother Vijay Kumar was 14 years minor boy who had seen the death of her sister and now he was 24 years and had joined Delhi Police as a constable and had been watching the play of justice in courts and became frustrated because of delay in administration of justice. During the period of 10 years from his age of 14 years to now 24 years, the negative energy, absence of harmony in families, in courts, in society, professional strategy and tactics must have suffocated the young man to the extent that he decided to take revenge by himself rather then watching the  routine in courts of law. At the age of 14 he was minor and according to the Juvenile Justice not supposed to go to normal courts of Law so that he might not have harnessed contempt towards the law and the system, but no one took notice about the tender age of the boy and as per Swami Vivekanand  he gathered the negative energy. There were NO means to give vent to his emotions, sentiments, affection towards her sister and the said negative energy has been piling up and overpowered the young man to take law into his own hands. He killed Manoj Kumar, his mother and then himself too after informing the Police. There was ample time at the disposal of Police to nab vijay kumar but the apathy, laziness, dereliction of duty  on the part of police became a cause and afforded Vijay an hour to take revolver and shot himself in the head while the police was preparing to go to Somipat  where Vijay is alleged to be living whereas he was in Delhi but the inefficient police could not locate the call.

Precious lives are allowed to be wasted but for the procedure, system but Question arises who is responsible the death of  RACHNA, MANOJ, HIS MOTHER AND VIJAY KUMAR  AND THE OBVIOUS ANSWER TO MY MIND IS  BLIND LAW, SOCIETY AND THE SYSTEM which needs to be over hauled. People have lost equilibrium and are frustrated for various factors and Justice Delayed is Justice Denied is one of the main factors.  LAW & SOCIETY are guilty for such un-natural deaths.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

ENERGY : Omnifarious : SPACE

Further to Energy series EARTH & WATER the third essential element is SPACE WHICH IS CUDDLING US.  Earth and Water are limited  but as compared to these two SPACE is widespread Harizentically and vertically like length and breadth of cloth Space means a gap between the two things it may be two words, two places , two Trees or two Persons. Since each person is Unique and completes in itself he or she essentially needs a particular Space for himself/herself for his/her own development, growth in the space.

PERSONS As mentioned above each person is unique in itself in all respects that is in body features, finger prints, lines on palms, color of skin. Iris of eyes, style of gait, tone of speech etc like wise each person likes to live in his/her own space just like living in private room where he/she is open and free to itself and does not want any interference of any other person since it amounts to trespassing into his/her privacy and this freedom must and should be respected and honoured even between husband & wife, lover & beloved, friends to friends etc until and unless they are soul mates and acceptable to each other in their natural Birthday suits. This shall be a bond of harmony between persons.

Secondly we Individuals are walking on Earth, sit on Earth, perform manual functions on Earth, Play on Earth but do not fall below on earth Why? Because the divine Energy in SPACE is holding us, Cuddling us, hugging  and keeping us active, straight and in control of our self. We must feel how close divine energy to us is but we are ignorant.
Just as no small tree can grow to its height under a Big and developed Tree similarly No child with his/her natural potential can develop under the Big and developed parents. Parents should just take case about food and other necessities of the child, be friendly with the child, discuss things concerning his/her development, try to know and understand his/her needs and aspirations and try to help, if case of need, but leave the child to him self or her self.

Thirdly  In each life there are three phases (a) Childhood (b) Youth & (c) Old age. Two stages are discussed above. Now about the Old age. It is often said ‘Bacha Budha Ke Barabar that is Child & Old person are alike. In old age the physical energy becomes weak, potential to work hard dwindles but the desires to live a happy life remains rather increases till SOUL is the functioning energy within the body of an old person. Physical apatite that is food for the body may be less required and since SOUL is young the apatite of the Soul increases and the Food for the Soul is LOVE.  Old people need more Space, freedom, association, company, Love and romance the food and energy for the Soul but the same is not available because of Social, Religious, moral and/or other impediments and the SOUL of the old people feels longing for the True Love which they never get because the family members from school going children to bread earners are busy and have no time for the old parents. Family members feel the need of old people is only food and shelter only. Its wrong. Two foolish Legal Acts namely The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act-2007 and The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 have been enacted by Parliament but are irrational, illogical and of NO purpose because NO old person and/or woman likes to go into for litigation which is lengthy, cumbersome and costly and at the same time creative of ill-will, annoyance, dis-harmony among the families. I had raised objections from the stage when the bill of the two said Acts was approved by the Cabinet but the sane voice is never appreciated in India is an irony.

Space  as I mentioned above is woven like cloth with breadth and length so the Energy which is comprised of Negative & Positive Energies travel within their respective directions. Negative energy travels horizentically and the Positive energy, the divine Energy descends vertically. Earth provides Gravity and Vertical energy provides levitation and in between the things remain straight and do not fall. Thus the SPACE is cuddling things.

Space has three layers. Acquasphere, Atmosshere and buffer zone and thereafter the Levitation zone  starts when law of Levitation works and you don’t come back rather go up and up. And that is the zone where spiritualist enters as realizes the SELF in the body. Therefore the SPACE is very important and it provides you oxygen on earth the necessary element to Live on this planet Earth. Feel and be thankful to the presence of Divine in Space who is hugging and cuddling you, the manifested form of the Unmanifest on Earth to enjoy the charm of the beautiful Earth.

In the same way SPACE provides the balancing power to keep SUN –MOON and other stars in their respective places without any supporting pillars under these planets including the Earth. THE DIVINE SYSTEM IS UNIQUE AND FLAWLESS, APPRECIATE AND SLUTE AND BE THANKFUL TO IT AND VISUALIZE THE GOD AROUND YOU IN SPACE – God bless you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment)

PM defends reforms, says risks necessary ( At least there is an ADMISSION of Risk factor) but to WHAT COST???


In our shastras there is an advice ‘ PARA ADHIN SAPMAIO SUKH NAHI’. ( even in dream you can’t think of Pleasure when you are depending on some one) Following this philosophy our forefathers decided to over throw the British Raj so that we may not be depending on any one and after long struggle of about 100 years on 15th August, 1947 we could achieve Independence when Britisher ‘s left India at the heavy cost of dividing India into two parts India and Pakistan (newly created) hundreds and thousands of people were displaced, murdered, became homeless, Rehablitated  and the two brothers citizens of India and Pakistan are still feeling the agony of the mistake committed by our leaders although our cultures, language, traditions, customs and family back ground are same and the two Countries are still not comfortable and cordial to each other. Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai was the slogan but realities are known to each one without any mention. It was a Political game at the cost of common people who are still close to each other.

After Independence our 1st Prime Minister Pt Jwaharlal Nehru while deciding to set up Dams and Industrial Establishments used to say that these are our TEMPLES. Before partition rallies used to be organized to boycott foreign goods, clothes and other things and people on the advice of Political leaders  used to BURN FOREIGN CLOTHES AND OTHER ITEMS  and people started wearing handloom clothes woven at home so that village and Indian made goods may be used by people and common man, village industry may get impetuous. That is why our leaders still wear Khadi clothes which has become the dress of Politicians although there is nothing Indian in their mind & heart but just a FLAUNT SHOW to mislead common man by adopting various means just to create VOTE BANKS.  Mrs INDIRA GANDHI also banned foreign goods, drinks such as COCO COLA, PEPSI COLA etc so that Indian Industry may flourish and India may get a place in World market. Thus Indians shall become creative people, business minded to compete with world businessmen and Indians shall feel honoured and gain selfrespect.  As a result of that Indian goods were demanded in foreign markets such as Handicrafts, clothes, toys etc. India acquired its place in World market.

I, Pose a serious question to Congress Party whose Flag still bears the device of CHARKHA, spinning wheel, and who wear Khadi WHETHER OUR FOREFATHERS IN WHOSE NAMES THE PARTY STILL ASKS FOR VOTES WERE FOOLS?  In those days SETTING UP OF INDIAN INDUSTRY WAS NECESSARY FOR REFORMS BUT NOW THE REGRESSION OF THOSE REFORMS APPEARS TO BE ‘RISKS NECESSARY’ as per PM. I feel constrained to feel that its NOT the personal view of Dr Manmohan Singh, the Prime Ministry but some Foreign genes who are interested to see India again the country of ‘snake charmers, and simple village people and/or musclemen, Rajputs, Marathas etc who used to fight with each other for their small States. The strategy to create small states is there awaiting for proper opportunity which the foreign genes are trying to create.  At that time it was only one EAST INDIA COMPANY but now so many Foreign companies are likely to come to India under FDI program so that they may for the time being become ECNOMIC RULERS OF INDIA  and make Indians POOR, FINANCIALLY, ECNOMICALLY, INDUSTRIALLY, INTELLECTUALLY, CREATIVELLY AND PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TOO  BEING DEVOID OF PROPER THINKING EVEN FOR SELF INTEREST.

There is a Deep rooted Policy to crush and eliminate MIDDLE class from India. It is ANTI PEOPLE policy. Some people want India of Either RICH or POOR NO middleclass. Rich are NOTE BANK & VOTE BANK OF POLITICIANS AND IN THE NAME OF POOR Govt can get support from World Bank and/or from other countries of which hardly 10% reaches to the poor and the rest is grabbed by middlemen patronized by Politicians.

IT’S BETTER TO RULE IN HELL THAN TO BE A SLAVE IN HEAVEN.  If Wealth is lost nothing is Lost, if Health is Lost, some thing is lost. BUT if CHARACTER is lost every thing is LOST.  We Indians have during the last 65 years of so called Independence lost our CHARACTER, Daily reported of SCAMS are the  facts which need no other proof. India is a Rich Country and our people too are hard working but there is NO appreciation of MERIT here. Indians are holding prestigious posts in Foreign Countries in every field.  If Foreign Companies are allowed to set up MALLS in India- Prime Minister say Foreign technology will come to India – my reply if Foreign Coach can be hired for cricket, why not get foreign experts to develop Indian Industry and build up economy if PM himself being economist is incapable to find solutions. (2) If big Malls are established, small shops, small Industries, cottage Industry  corner shops shall be bound to windup business WHERE shall  SMALL  BUSINESSMEN GO?  Where from the income shall come to feed the families and growing children of defunct business people?  Who shall reimburse the shutdown establishments, their employees with their dependents; INDIANS SHALL BECOME SLAVES WITHIN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. AND WITHIN THEIR OWN HOME TOWN They shall be used only as Sales Boys/Girls or delivery boys BOSSED over by Foreign Bosses. . WHEN THE ENERGY IS NOT USED FOR CREATIVE WORK(S) IT STARTS DOING DESTRUCTIVE WORKS, Unemployed  business people, unemployed educated young people to meet their needs shall be obliged to take to crimes such as ROBBERY, SNATCHING, THEFT, MURDER AND TO SATISFY THEIR PANTUP ENERGY THEY SHALL  INDULGE IN RAPES, MOLUSTATIONS, INSULTS AND WHAT NOT.  I POSE A QUESTION TO PM WHETHER HE HAS THOUGHT OVER THESE MATTERS OR STILL HE FEELS IT A ‘NECESSARY RISK’ to undo earlier reforms and to OPT for REGRESSION and allow FDI. Prime Minister is NOT the BOSS and Indian Citizens are NOT his SLAVES that he can decide for them. In the Modern era of Computer technology and internet LET THE GOVT SEEK REFERENDUM FROM CITIZENS ABOUT FDI IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE.?  Why hurry!

People are POWER for any party and Politicians  are well aware that Citizens are fed up with Politicians for any thing and every thing. Pockets of Politicians are being PUFFY while citizens are being flensed and are under burden of high Cost of Living and things have gone out of the hands of people.. People holding power posts are seeking excuse to vacate/ quit  and sit at rest and to enjoy the wealth  acquired during their SHINING DAYS.  It is like the defeated forces destroy the necessities of Life so that the invader the successor may feel uncomfortable. NO political party is in fact interested in the WELFARE /WELBEING of citizens.  IT SHALL BE BLUNDER & UNFORTUNATE EVENT IF FDI is introduced in India.

UPA is an alliance of some parties and are collectively responsible to the People of India. If the allied parties do not approve of the FDI  in the best interest of  Indian Business in that case theallied parties should withdraw support and be not accomplices to the Blunder of making Indians Salve within their own Country and within their own Home town.  May God good sense prevail on our leaders.

Friday, September 14, 2012



Next to EARTH on which we all live without being thankful is WATER which is called a lifeline without which we cannot live on Earth. Water is formed by Yoga, union of scientific method of Hydrogen and oxygen necessary for life to breath. Breath is the Bridge between BRAHM  & LIFE on Earth. The Quality of water is  it’s colorless formless, adaptable, flexible, cooling, non assertive, paves its own path and is capable to fly in the form of vapors if the heat is unbearable and above all it keeps its level.  Our Body contains 65% to 70% of water and deficiency of water called dehydration can cause death of our Body shows how essential is the water for our Life. 

65 to 70 % water being within our body must cause its affect on our body and we also must imbibe the aforesaid qualities of water in our life. Water is cool, but we human beings are not cool. Water is Formless, we too are born without tags but religion has made us in Forms. Water is secular but we human beings has made it as HINDU PANI OR MUSLIM PANI, It is because of Religion that human beings have become rigid and lost flexibility , adaptability, and have become assertive and are bent upon to follow a particular path, we don’t keep balance or level but become hyper due to heat in our body and Mind which makes our body ill and fatal diseases are like Hypertension, Heart Problem, Paralytic stroke, frustration in life precursor to mental agony resulting into suicides, murders and what not.  Due to hot temperature and intake of hot natured foods heat goes into our mind which muddles things and life become heavy a chaos on Earth.

On this Earth there is hardly 2% of drinkable water for human beings which must be used with discreet but we have lost the balance of mind, we have lost the quality of water to keep balance  life and the humanity is divided into Religions, Status,. Caste, Tribe etc although we all human beings drink the same water. Then why disparity?

Water is Life and life is God.  We are insulting both Life and God by Polluting water. We throw garbage, unwanted and undesirable things, pooja waste in water and make water dirty, poisonous by throwing petroleum waste and other obnoxious articles poisonous for animals living in water   and are killing them for no fault on their part but because of our foolishness, carelessness and irresponsible attitude towards Nature, atmosphere, and other species on Earth and in Water. Pollution of  water by any means must be made a cognizable offence by Law,  and good sense be inculcated in society to conducting awareness shows/programs through Media visual and/or print. 

Life is like a flowing River, Keep water pure, fresh and in turn your life too shall Flow to success. Purity and freshness to give you happiness and prosperity and you will feel flowing like a River.


Thursday, September 13, 2012


Right from the smallest Atom to the cosmos as a Whole is made of Five Elements EARTH, WATER, SPACE, AIR AND FIRE which is any where and every where within us, without us and Man is a mini Universe with functioning ENERGY which may be called GOD and/or by any other name of your choice. Life means: LIVING INSTINCT in FORM by ETERNITY:  that is the desire of UNMANIFEST TO MANIFEST, hence there is nothing else but GOD which means GROWER , ORGANISER AND DESTROYER and Hindus call it Trinity BRAHMA, VISHNU & MAHESH.  Silence is the language of GOD which is manifested through SOUND WITHIN YOU & AROUND YOU, you being the Centre of  the COSMOS and that sound is pronounced as Ooooo UuuMmmm= OUM.: OM.  It resounds within you and around you and you can experience it here now  if you try to pronounce O without  opening mouth, you shall feel the resound  in  the centre of your Head. Then pronounce U with closed mouth you shall feel the throb at your Heart and thereafter if you pronounce the letter M with closed mouth you will experience it at your Navel point where after your conception you were connected with your mother through the Umbilici cord to be developed from fetus stage to your developed stage till your delivery called the date of Birth.  Its all the CHARM of ENERGY the Mystery of Life. With O the life starts, expands and dies when with M at Navel point the mouth is Closed.

EARTH: Earth is the main and essential element of our Body, it is within and all that around us be it buildings, Birds, Animals, Trees, vegetation and whatsoever visible to eye you will find element of Earth in it. Earth has its Qualities like that of a Mother, that is tolerance, Love, Compassion, forgiveness, patience, sacrifice, Energy to bear burden, to conceive and to produce that is why Hindus call Earth MOTHER and worship as Mother, Sister, Friend and Daughter that is in all forms of Female and on certain occasions small girls being a capsule of ENERGY are worshiped as DEVIES and offered gifts. A Girl is a  would be Mother in the future who will produce male too, a seed of potential ENERGY to become a worthy citizen, a would be soldier to protect and defend the mother and his fellow beings. Earth is full of Energy that is Metals and Minerals, Chemicals essential for life, precious metals, stones, coal, fuels  and other essentials for the life which may enrich life on Earth. Earth gives us food, fruits, flowers and what not to enjoy and celebrate life on its soil which is like the lap of the mother to feel comfortable, safe and protected.

Earth is made up of small particles which are solid and contain energy. Recently scientists have come to understand that the Energy in particles is Divine Energy. Energy produces vibrations and vibrations coming out of Earth have a magnetic pull, gravity and any thing and every thing within the gravitation zone is attracted towards Earth and scientist Nut on could name it Law of gravitation. Our body containing major portion of Earth is   attracted towards Earth since like attracts like, it supplements, complements and enriches itself. The Earth having healing properties help built strong and healthy body which contains healthy Mind and healthy SOUL resides in healthy Body Mind. Since each human being has the same properties, Earth in particular being the major part, is naturally attracted towards each other and feel please to LOVE , the opposite sex, since merger and mingling to negative & Positive energies produce Light, the electricity, the warmth within our bodies. Thus we all being children of Earth containing major part of it are fellow beings, friends and  are bound to develop Fraternity, goodwill on this mother Earth. Deficiency of Earth element in our body causes certain diseases, therefore, be associated, close to earth, eat earth in all possible manners, foods, fruits, flowers and  take mud treatment, walk bare footed on earth, sit and sleep on earth and take food and water in containers made of Mud/Earth so that you remain close to mother Earth as much as possible and healthy and happy life on this planet Earth.

We being the children of Earth are duty bound to respect and imbibe the virtues and qualities of our mother so that we may be called  the virtuous children of Mother Earth. Its matter of pity on Human beings that we have not imbibed the quality of Tolerance of our mother Earth but for nefarious vested interests have lost tolerance and are killing or planning to kill our fellow beings, we have divided the mother EARTH into different continents and subcontinents and are fighting wars to win a particular portion which is there and shall remain there since we cannot take it away. Life is there and shall remain there but some man made FLAG  at some place may be changed. It is all the game of Religion and Politicians for their pity interests since they are power mongers and are far from Nature and the Law of Nature of Cooperation, coordination and Coexistence which is understood and followed by rest of the children of God that is the species living on Earth except Man, who unfortunately considers himself wise, forgetting that self praise carries no weight. Hindu Philosophy  preaches the concept of  VISHWA KATUMBKUM  that is Universal  Family, Global Family, but the learned man under the control of his/her mind never Understands this concept because Humanity has been divided by RELIGION AND POLITICIANS and man is devoid of  values of life and love, the essential food for the SOUL.  SOUL being hungry is committing crimes, as thefts, plunder, rape, murders, killing of girls in womb and kidnapping of children and what not.  We are not using the potential of mother Earth for constructive work.  Earth is HEAVEN  HERE & NOW but we being bewildered , disgruntled , misconceived , misguided children are making the Mother’s lap polluted by all means,, plundering the valuable assets but  not contributing any thing to make mother earth more potential, enrich and comfortable by making use of our hidden potentials to prove worthy children of mother Earth. Let’s pledge to be worthy children of mother Earth by all possible means and imbibe the qualities of her. Enjoy the beauty on Earth, play and celebrate Life the precious gift of GOD. Remember Life here is only for ONCE, leave your LAND MARKS, so that coming generations may remember us as good GUESTS who once lived here on this PLANAT EARTH.

( To be continued : Regarding  ‘WATER’) 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Every Individual rather any Life or thing available in this World is Unique in itself with No parallel to it.. A master piece because the Supreme Creator the GOD Never creates less than a masterpiece and never repeats, since Existence never repeats itself is the Law of the Nature. One should and must feel proud of oneself that in this whole Universe there is none equal to him/her and  you are the most special one on this Earth with some special purpose which is not yet known to you but the blue print of it is within you  in the form of lines on your palm, on your face, which is Unique Lines on your palm, even the sketch of your thumb, features on your face, iris of your Eyes NEVER MATCH  with any other individual because you are so Unique. Be proud of your Uniqueness, accept your uniqueness and work according to your inner voice, intuition since that is the command from your Master, your Father/Mother the GOD or any other name you may like to call it. You are the creation of God and no creation can be bigger than its creator and the creator can never be far from its creation. It is within its creation as a seed of a fruit is within the fruit itself.


Your Physical Body is an assembly of your Body organs visual that is outer as well as inner that is Heart, Liver, pancreas, Kidney and so on  and your Body  which is a vehicle functions by virtue of  fuel/ Energy which is formed through the Food we eat, you may call it Petrol, Diesel  and/or other form(s) of energy by which the motor land vehicles run on roads or rails or the aero planes or ships sail in ocean but so far every vehicle in controlled by its Driver by what ever name you may call it. Here Driver of the Body vehicle is SOUL which is segment of the Supreme Soul connected with the body by virtue of Centrifugal and Centripetal law of science  and the food for the SOUL is LOVE. When the  driver of the vehicle  is hungry,  its faculties to work are bound to become erratic which is being observed in day to day life.  Soul of the People is hungry. It needs LOVE but love is condemned by your impotent Religions for obvious reasons and by the male dominated society. Man being devoid of Love which is biological need also feels dissatisfied in life and to feel satisfied he/she collects objective assets like big houses, costly vehicles, golden ornaments etc  but still the inner urge have not been satisfied takes to crimes such as Rape, molestation and what not as a substitute of true love which still remains far away and man feel disturbed, frustrated and angry which is cause of road rage, assaults, quarrels on pity matters and murders to acquire money which may match the urge for Love but in vain.


Family is the smallest unit consisting of male and females, closeness of males and females form a society and vast number of societies form as Nation. .  Walls of a building does not form family, mass of people together at a place does not form society and a particular territory does not form a Nation. In my book WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS under Chapter SOCIETY I have said there are men and women but no society as such.  All individuals born the same way, die the same way, eat, drink, work, sleep and function in life the same way, in spite of features in each body features are different, colour of blood although being same red but blood group and DNA is different. Although each Individual is Unique just as all weddings are same but each marriage is different in the same way although all individuals are alike but each one is different but an integral part of the WHOLE. We are  made for the Whole but we have been divided by our RELIGIONS, CASTES, SECTS, TRIBES, LANGUAGE, POLITICAL AFFELIATIONS AND NATIONALITIES WHICH ARE ALL MAN MADE.  Man has been made killer of man kind, Human has become inhuman, Respects, regards, affection, affinity, fraternity among human being has vanished. Absence  of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony, chaos and anarchy right from family level to the national level. Humanity is at the verge of its disaster through out the world because of the lack of wisdom which comes from true love by practice of MEDITATION.


Man of the present era is guided by its Mind which is a great creator and manipulator of things opposed to each other. Mind has created HELL ON EARTH WHICH IS HEAEN IN FACT THE CREATION OF GOD.  Earth is a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and each type of flower has its own fragrance. In the same way each Individual has its own vibrations. We are all beloved children of ONE GOD, LIVE ON ONE EARTH, BREATH THE SAME AIR, MOVE UNDER THE SAME SKY UNDER THE SAME SUN, DRINK THE SAME WATER AND DWELLIN THE SAME ATMOSPHERE SO I FAIL TO UNDERSTAND HOW WE ARE DIFFERENT??  Ponder  over, be aware of forces which divide humanity which is whole and the whole is holy all children of ONE GOD ON THIS EARTH. Let’s Unite since UNION IS STRENGTH  which provides courage to LOVE and LOVE IS NOTHING ELSE BUT GOD.     

Monday, September 3, 2012



During recent elections in Utter Pradesh  where DESPOTIC  POLICE committed atrocities on innocent unarmed peaceful citizens including ladies RAHUL GANDHI said ‘ I feel ashamed to be called Indian’ I ask what has he to say NOW?

Our fire brand MAMTA BANERJEE alleged to be for Bengalies and she herself being a woman ruling over Bengal under whose nose a mother of 3 kids could not eat for some days and was obliged to sell her three kids is under onus to explain that is this the Democratic Rule and service to the poor for which she is knows for and is considered a heavy eight in politics?

SOCIETY – is  guilty for there being NO sympathy towards the poor living in their neighbor hood . We have become so inhuman yet we claim to be human and citilized. It’s a matter of SHAME for the SOCIETY.

RELIGION  - Religious institutions arrange community feeding and distribute Food to the poor and/or devotees I ask where are the FLAUNTS who denote money for Temples and Religious functions under whose nose a poor lady could not eat for days and was compelled to sell her kids. Religious scriptures say a girl is symbolic of  SHAKTI – Durga, Kali who is worshiped in Bengal,  and other  the other forms of DEVI SHAKTI and within a year after Navratri  girls are worshiped  I pose a question to all those religious devotees IS THIS THE POOJA  the lesson  or teachings  they have  learnt from the religious scriptures?  In our religious scriptures it is written ‘ where a female is not respected that country is at the verge of DOOMS DAY. During Ramayana SITA was kidnapped by Ravana  and golden Lanks was destroyed, during Mahabharths ROAPADI was disrespected and the kingdom of Kaurvas was destroyed. But now ladies are disrespected every day and a lady who is A DAUGHTER,SISTER, FRIEND, MOTHER, WIFE, DEVI-SHAKTI  is disrespected in India which is known to be Religious. Is this the REGLIGION about which we boost of. SHAME TO BE SUCH A RELIGIOUS PERSON.

POLITICIANS   During elections they do PAD YATRAS  and visit every nook & corner to woo voters they distribute wine, money, clothes and so many others things. After elections the voter become  untouchable person for the elected leaders.  Whether the politicians deserve votes in republic of India which has become senior in age after 65 years of Independence. Elected representatives enjoy life at the cost of common voters. Elected representatives are burden on the exchequer eating public money but not performing their duty except logjams against the fundamental rights of speech & expression an d intolerance to the views of others.

DEMOCRACY  - Is said to be a Govt of the People, by the people and for the people but the spellings of the key words have changed  now its  Govt OFF the people, BUT the people and FAR the people. The PREMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA starts ‘ WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its CITIZENS ……. HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AN D GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION  … Please note in this declaration  PURNIMA AND HER THREE KIDS ARE ALSO INCLUDED. Our Politicians are answerable to PUBLIC whether they have honoured the provisions of the Constitution for which they had taken OATH while being becoming Public Representatives as Municipal Councilor. MLA or MP.