Thursday, September 27, 2012


Every child knows about Fire the most essential and commonly used in Life for cooking food. Like Water Fire is Life. While writing about AIR I mentioned about invisible PRAN that is Fire. It enters with the first breath in our body and goes out with the last breath we take after which we are declared  as dead and during out first breath to the last out body remains WARM because of the element of Fire within it. As the fire cooks out food in the same manner the fire cooks, makes soft and liquid the food we eat within our stomach and the liquid juices turn into blood, the fuel of life to run into our veins and arteries  to keep our body fresh, growing and glowing. Body with the help of water and fire within our body transforms the food into organic to form hormones, muscles, body cells, bones and creates mysterious energy to heal the body itself as and when some essential elements become deficient in the body. The divine energy supplies the required metals, minerals and chemicals to the ailing part of the body while extracting the same from the balanced food we eat.

You will feel warmth if you rub your hands and/or touch your own body or the body of some one else. It is the warmth due to the presence of Fire in the body.  The source of Fire is SUN and in all parts of the World SUN is respected and worshiped as SUN GOD because of which all life on Earth functions grows glows and moves without fear. Darkness is symbolic of fear while Sunlight is symbolic of courage, the Life. Life and courage go together because the dead has no courage.

Energy Fire is essential in our life as experienced around us in the form of Electricity because of which all our electrical and electronic gadgets function and give us enjoyment in life. Energy Fire is Life and Life is nothing but GOD manifested on Earth. For Love also you need Fire’s energy and when to negative and positive energies meet and mingle to become one energy a new life is conceived within the womb of the female to be delivered after due natural course. Though ordinary sex between a male and female a child is born but through Meditative sex between two spiritual Souls Divine child is born with glow of SUN on his/her face and he/she is worshiped in the Universe as God just like Lord Jesus, Karan of Maha Bharths and Hanuman of Ramayana.

In India Sun shines for the major part of the year but the SUN energy is wasted which can be used for creating machines, vehicled, gadgets which may run by Solar energy but we particularly the people at key posts talk much but do little creative and positive works.

During the five ENERGY series of essential elements of life and cosmos  EARTH, WATER, SPACE, AIR AND FIRE I have tried to convey that we all are made of the five elements and all these elements are without any Religion, caste, sect and/or tribe we are followed by human beings. Humanity has been divided for obvious reasons.  I believe and practice that there is ONE GOD, ONE EARTH, ONE HUMANITY AND WE ARE ALL BELOVED CHILDREN OF GOD ON EARTH in its manifested form in the form of all Life in any form and all that is around us is for the enjoyment of  life on Earth.  Let us PONDER OVER, WHY AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE HUMAN BEINGS ARE FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER FOR THINGS UNNATURAL, MAN MADE for no good purpose to serve the mankind.


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