Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life is Flowing River


People who are mature enough to understand often pose a question what is life, for what purpose and what goal to achieve and we all during the age of 20’s receive education in school and colleges to learn so many subjects so that we may lead a purposeful life and achieve higher goals to live comfortably in life. All efforts are other oriented. We have two eyes and use them to see objective things out side in front of our eyes. No one can see his or her own face which is not only so close but the identity mark on our body without the help of a small article called a Mirror. We know every thing about others but not about our self. We have time for other things but no time to know about SELF and its unique character.

Life is a flowing River. River contains water which is Life. Our body contains about 65% water which keeps us flowing, flexible. Adaptable. Fresh .rejuvenated and helps in digestion of food we eat and to flush out the excreta to be used as a manure for helping growth of vegetation in fields and the water which is life not only helps in our body growth but also helps for the growth for Trees, vegetables and other useful edible things for the nourishment of our body so its evolution and revolution of un -manifested Energy into manifested things including our body. The character of the Water is to flow or Fly. Flowing water is called River, therefore, life should and must flow. Stagnated water in ponds and lakes gets foul and unwanted weed grows on and around the stagnated water in ponds & Lakes which are like family attachments and/or social bonds and hence we often experience unwanted quarrels, conflicts in families because of life is not freely flowing and the blocks are holding the fresh water which sails oozing out foul smell which is not relished by the sense of smell.

As per the Platonic theory and things return to its source and the same is true about water also. As per the nature of the water it flows or flies. The scientific law of centrifugal and centripetal, going away from the centre & coming back to the centre also supports the nature of Water. Clouds are formed when water reaches back into the Ocean Flies in the form of vapors, rains watering the earth the fields where crops are grown, quenches the thirst of Living beings on earth and again reverts back to the Ocean.

The purpose of this article is to share with like minded people curious to know about life is that we should and must apart from looking out side into the objective world should and must look within through introvert vision by virtue of Yoga and other meditative techniques to realize the Subject within, and follow the nature of water to Help others in the growth of life, be colorless don’t wear religious tags water is simply water having no particular religion but its nature is to help all whosoever comes into its contact, be on the move because movement is life stillness is Death Water has no Ego, it molds itself according to the container so must be our life too. Obstacles may come to go but life show must go on. Ego is the Block which keeps you manifested limited Energy Egoless ness is Freedom Unmanifested eternal Energy the Subject within your -SELF You are the physical body SELF within you is the subject Eternal fresh Flowing and flying like water which is Life for one and all.

R.N. PRABHAKAR: - Author is Delhi based Spiritualist, Yogi, Meditator Senior citizen & Senior Lawyer

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