Monday, January 7, 2013


In the present Era where human being has become a mint to mint money devoid of human values of life but for valuables for life which can be purchased with money which is not without vices because each coin has two sides front & the back.  Value of Money is bound to have its vices also which our DEMOCRACY  of 65 years has given us and the present State of affairs is the net result of the anti people policies of our wise men at the helm of affairs.

Our Democracy has produced VOTERS – in numbers but not Humans with over all development having the asset of Humanity with harmony to cooperate, coordinate, understand, share, to live & to let other also to live within the vastness of the WHOLE about which our forefathers had long back conceived the idea of GLOBAL FAMILY (VISHWA KUTUMBKUM)  but we are so worthless generation that we failed to fulfill the pious dream of our forefathers. We simply are interested to read the scriptures without intention of follow imbibe and practice in life. We are interested 
in flaunt flows which can be organized with the help of money  in the mundane world created by Man itself with pseudo Gods and mind made prayers which are just hollow words never to reach any where and  are not interested to go within to search for the True Treasure which gives  us contentment, compassion, affinity, affection, the true wealth of Love and hence the Human being is devoid of its real wealth that is Love- the food for the Soul. Our body consists of physical biological Body, Mind and Soul.  Body and Mind are happy with the MONEY but the SOUL the ATMA the current, the Spirit by virtue of which the body Mind function is devoid of its essential food the Love which can NEVER be purchased with money. Hungry Soul is in search of its food, and one can understand that a hungry person can do any thing & every thing to satisfy its hunger  may it be to ‘BEG, BORROW & STEAL. These are the natural out comes for a hungry person/Soul. Crime and Rape are the symptoms of the hunger. No Law can provide the cure.

Compassion, Love, sharing, exchange of food & thoughts come from the dining table, community feeding, from family level through Mother or the Lady who cooks for the family with emotions, Love & regards. It’s not simply the food to stuff into the body but the food is laced with emotions love and regards which nurses BODY, MIND & SOUL to develop a Patriot for the Nation, a savior & protector of the family, the smallest unit of the Society and the Nation at large. Family female is the first teacher to teach compassion, to display in life to make Human with human values of harmony.  To make INSAN WITH INSANIAT Insan with insaniat is worst than Animal and it is evident to see, watch and hear in day to day life.

Our Society, Religion. Politics, Govt, Police and the Law have divided Humanity for vested interests NOT for common interest by following the policy of DIVIDE & RULE. Harmony is lost, CHARACTER THE VITRUE OF MAN IS LOST, Man has become killer of Man including kith & kins for the sake of Money. Family is in CHAOS, society is in Chaos and the Nation is in Chaos being devoid of COMMPASSION the prime need of every human being.
Our Politicians don’t understand the basic need and  True intellectuals/ wise men who understand the basic need of Unity in diversity are not heard being in minority and hence the chaos and Agony is raising its head unabated.


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