Monday, November 12, 2012


An English Philosopher has said that  MAN IS BORN FREE BUT ALWAYS FOUND IN CHAINS. OSHO said  LOVE IS THE FOOD FOR THE SOUL. The title of this blog is my version based on my experience as a Professional Advocate since 1964 and OSHO Sanyasi, associated with OSHO since 1973, an Author, Spiritualist, motivator, sociologist and a Yogi.

Human  being is the only species in this Universe who is dependent since birth till death. He is born with birth day suit like all other species in the Universe but immediately after birth is wrapped in clothes, made subject to man  made rituals and is named without his consent  and liking and there after he responds to that given name by his/her parents and is treated as an object, a property, an asset or liability of the Parents. In schools/Colleges he responds to the given roll number, in hospitals responds to patient number and in job or business the  rank or designation  BUT never  by one’s real identity which  remains hidden  till one’s death.  As a child one is obliged to obey the dictates of parents, in education institutions one has to follow teacher, in hospitals one submits to the Doctor, in profession, job, business one is obliged to follow the norms. In short one has to serve others except to act according to his own wish, potential and wisdom. In family life one has to maintain the harmony to please the spouse, parents and children but cannot do any thing with freedom as per one’s own inherent desire.I view of all this one feels like a Prisoner and/or like a bird with wings capable to fly but caged. This leads to frustration, un-rest, helplessness, hypertension, and various other Psychosomatic – body mind ailments and one feels there is no purpose in life and life is a burden  At the same time our pseudo Religions declare that  man is thrown of the heaven as a punishment for some crime and one needs perform some rituals and dogmas to wash away the sins of his pasty life and the Religion offers its services for consideration which serve NO purpose of the person, since the Law of Nature is eternal and un-changeable but it definitely serves the vested interests of the Religion which is growing at the cost of  confused, bewildered and helpless person(s). This is the plight of the Crown Prince who is son of GOD as proclaimed by Lord Jesus. This Society cannot tolerate the son of God, insults, humiliates and  hangs the beloved child of God when alive and after his death worships him and seeks his help to over come their illnesses in life. This is the foolishness to which a free human being is obliged to obey.

LOVE :  For the Biological body food is necessary for the body to develop and grow but body functions because of the Divine Energy called SOUL/ATMA a segment of PARMATMA/ SUREME SOUL and the food for the SOUL is LOVE. Religion & Society ARE  both anti Love being impotent and possessive. Except human beings NO other species is impotent & Possessive. True LOVE needs utter freedom which is not available in this Mundane World created by MIND around the love-lorn human beings. Out of the food we eat  our body, the unique laboutary administered by Divine nature produces not only vitamins and minerals for the development & growth of the body but chemicals according to which changes take place in our body from time to time  Male & Female are counter parts, supplementary and complimentary to each other and are incomplete with the other. A person devoid of LOVE feels devoid of life, feels his nervous system as shut down, Frontal cortex, the vital organ to judge becomes defunct, shut down and looses the due balance among people of  ordinary prudence and treats Love as source to release the pant up energy through sex as a easy mode of relief and indulges into crime of molestation, rape etc which can NEVER be checked, controlled except to transform the pant up energy into  one for higher biological purposes  for the realization of the SELF within oneself through Meditative sex which is the door step to the Kingdom of GOD.

The pant up Energy if no deployed for creative and constructive purposes becomes destructive Energy we call it CRIME & TERRORISM .  

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