Further to my Blog published today the 30th
August, 2012 Please read the following:
When children of
Lower families get some education
by some means following problems may arise;-
If the child is not highly educated say upto
middle class or upto higher secondary level he/she shall not like to do manual
work and would like to do some white colored jos. He shall become a problem not
only for the family but for the Govt also to provide the suitable job. Govt
must arrange for the jobs otherwise young Energy if not deployed for creative
work shall become destructive to the Individual and also to the Nation.
If the Child gets higher education he/she needs
befitting deployment. Needs of present day life are difficult to be satisfied
and in case of un-employment the young
Energy takes to Crime, road rage,. Snatching,
robbery and what not and we find now a days Educated graduates, BBA or
MBA are taking to crime to satisfy the necessities of life when the cost of
living has become out of Budget.
For some under Right to Education Education is FREE
while for others who want to get higher studies at their own cost there
are NO Schools and Colleges and if there are some they ask for DONATIIONS TO THE TUNE OF LAKHS In this regards I have written to Mr Kapil Sibal
Minister HRD but received no reply although I mentioned specific instance. There are colleges who offer seats in the
name of Management Quota in consideration of money in lakhs. Education is being
auctioned openly. Shall it not create disparity among students. Preamble of the
Constitution say equality OF OPPORTUNITY but
there is NO equality of opportunity in fact.
Government is guilty
of Dividing society on various counts and education is one of them.
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