Tuesday, October 19, 2010

watchdog over watchdog we lost character




The Lokpal Bill has been drafter and circulated in States many times before and the latest brings the Prime Minister’s office (PMO) within its scope. Let us see what happens?

Right from 1947 when India achieved Independence we are watering the Tree of Democracy from the top of the Tree although we achieved Independence by walking on Earth through efforts from grass root levels not by sitting in A/C rooms & making policies.

As back as the days of Dr S. Radhakrishnan, the second President of India we are concerned with corruption problem and the Hon’ble President the noble Soul could then see and observe that CORRUPTION IS RAMPENT AT ALL LEVELS. But our wise men at the key positions did not learn any thing to introduce remedial measure and the tree of corruption is growing fast.

Hon’ble Justice R.C. Lohati CJI (Retd) was constrained to say we will close the courts and let them (Govt) do what ever they like but our wise men did not pay any heed to the remarks.

Hon’ble Justice B.N. Agarwal (Retd) of Supreme Court was obliged to observe that EVEN GOD CANNOT CHANGE OUR COUNTRY. “ Even God will not be able to save this country” “ In India even if God comes down, HE cannot change our country… we are fed up with this government. They don’t have the guts to differ with the opinion of clerks. Our country’s character has gone”. Here I am reminded of the quote’ if money is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost some thing is lost, but if character is lost every thing is lost’ Here our character has been lost so every thing is lost. DEMOCRACY IN INDIA HAS FAILED & FAILED MISERABLY.

I can observe time is not far when India may be divided into small states ruled by Monarks of the olden times and even during British India there were 500 independent states.

We read and hear so often about scams & scams of crores of rupees by men in position. YATHA RAJA TATHA PRAYA IS AN OLD SAYING if rulers are corrupt the lover ranks are bound to be corrupt.

WATCHDOG Lokpal Bill can probe PMO corruption too PONDER OVER about yet ANIOTHER WATCHDOG (Lokpal) over the Watchdog because the incumbent here too must be India who have lost character. We are trying to pick up & cut the rotten leaves of a tree but what about the Roots which produce rotten leaves. We often read & hear security has been tightened but things do take place & yet again we hear security has been tightened too much tightened causes Break down. The whole system has become rotten.

It is a YES SIR government. No creative honest and sincere person is adheared to. There is no dearth of honest people but the dishonest at the helm of affairs cannot tolerate them.

We need Intellectuals to come forward and not be silent spectators and accomplices to the present state of affairs Lets join hands in PUBLIC INTEREST.


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