Friday, July 30, 2010

cwgames Vs Young India


As reported in Hindustan Times dated July 28, 2010 by HT Correspondent on front page

Rs 35,000 crone cost for hosting the Games is estimated. As a concerned responsible Citizen of India I wish to ask my fellow citizens and the wise men at the helm of affairs that IS IT A WISE DECISION at the estimated cost as compared to the other Hot Burning problems of our YOUNG INDIA ( YOUNG GENERATION FULL OF POTENTIAL ENERGY) Energy is bubbling in young people, It must be used. It is for HRD Ministry to take note as to Whether it wants to use the Potential Energy for Positive Creative Purposes or for negative and destructive purposes? Either you provide channel or the Energy shall find its own channel but it cant rot and stagnate that too is injurious to the health of our Country. Now let me mention a few instances:

1) UN-EMPLOYMENT: There are young educated young people who wish to do some job to earn money for their development and for providing some relief to their families but there are no job opportunities available. But they require Food, Clothing and Shelter to set up their own life and for this they are obliged to get money through unlawful means such as SNACHING, ROBBERY, LOOT, EXTORSION, MURDER , CHEATING, FRAUD, INTIMIDATION AND SO ON since all this is bound to cause unwarranted tensions and to get relief from tensions they try to get some pleasure through SEX either through opposite Sex by committing RAPE, ASSAULT, EVE TEASING AND SO ON AND/OR BEING GAYS. To all this Govt is devoid of WISDOM and can be termed as ABETTORS TO THE SAID CRIMES. Had the wisdom prevailed on GOM Group of Ministers instead of CW Games they would have arranged for construction of Factories for production of marketable consumable products and provided employment to Un-employed young of the Country and perhaps there would have been no MAOISTS, NAXALITES, TERRORISTS ETC Some with weak will power have committed and/or are likely to commit suicides. Who shall be responsible for the lose of precious lives?


Last year the Act as been notified whereby children between the ages of 6-14 must be given education free of cost. My readers may Ponder Over Whether before this Law people who desired to get education were not getting education? Had this been so we would not have got Late Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Prime Minister. We would not have got the missile man and the Ex President of India Mr APJ Abdul Kalam and numerous such other persons. Those who wish to study shall study with Right to Education.

Secondly the poor children used to support their poor families and supplement the family income. Who will compensate the families? If their children go to school..


Thirdly: When children will get education – they shall not do manual jobs and would seek appropriate jobs; Who will provide them with adequate jobs? In case they don’t get jobs the un-employment will increase and the consequences mentioned above are bund to take place Shall the Govt be not abetting the crimes?

Fourthly: There are people who desire to get education at their own reasonable expenses but for them there are no Colleges/schools and/or there are they demand donations beyond means of common man. Seats in colleges are AUCTIONED in a way. Tution fees are in THOUNDS PULS DONATIONS. WHERE FROM THE MONEY SHALL COME? Answer is of Course BLACK MONEY ! When a parent spends money for the education of his ward shall he not expect that he should earn handsome income? When the youth after getting education at high cost seeks job- will he not try to earn money to reimburse what he or his parents have spent on his education. Shall he not indulge into corruption and earn through so called other means. Who is abetting corruption? Of course the Govt.

Late Dr S. Radhakrishnan, the then President of India because of his Wisdom could then observe that CORRUPTION IS RAMPENT AT ALL LEVELS What we have learnt from his remarks and what remedial steps have so far been taken? The bold answer is NOTHING. Would it not mean Govt is ABETTING CORUPTION?

PROJECTS: As per CVC report the projects are not ready for the Games. Construction is of poor quality and at high rates and public money is being wasted I too am of the opinion the poor construction of buildings and roads shall not last for more than one because quantity is sand is more than required.

POLICE AND CRIME IN DELHI : CRIME AND LAW & ORDER : There is no check of crime. All types of crime is on the higher side. Police is scared of the criminals and general public is scared of the Police who have become criminals in Uniform. What will happen to the foreign guests can be well imagined?

With Rs 35,000/- crores Factories, Schoold, Colleges, Hospitals and Food for the people could be provided. Food the essential commodity would not have been allowed to rot in open proper store houses could be constructed out of Rs 35,000/ crores Who is responsible for this un-warranted waste of money on CW Games which are going to be a BIG FLOP and we the Indians are going to earn a BAD Name and a Certificate A NATION OF FLAUNTS. RS 35.000/’ CRORES IS A DELEBRATE CRIMINAL WASTE OF MONEY APART FROM WASTE OF PRECIOUS MAN POWER WHO IS LIABLE OF COURSE THE GOVERNMENT.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wheat kept outside FCI godown spoiled

In today’s Hindustan Times dated July 7, 2010 is a news by Peeyush Khandewal that WHEAT KEPT OUTSIDE FCI GODOWN SPOILED – at Food Corporation of India warehouse at Hapur (UP) in huge quantity to which Mr Deepak Sharma ,DGM of FCI has denied saying ‘no stock suffered’. Photo of the stock alleged as spoiled by Sakib Ali/HT Photo is also printed over the news.

Realities do not die by denying them and there can be no fire without smoke. The News Media people had no bias against the FCI. I being a concerned Citizen feel ashamed of this incident which is prima facie a case of gross negligence and utter dereliction of duties. This is not the first time that the news of food grains suffering damage is reported through media. Even recently there was such a report from the State of Punjab and at other places also. In our shastras it is said “ Aanam Brahm” food is God. Food gives life to people and is a precious essential commodity which is being criminally wasted and we just read the news with awe and helplessly try to forget it. On Govt side they may order to set up enquiry committee and the matter shall be hushed up as a routine matter. This shows there is no personal or political will to work because of which our Democracy is suffering at all levels ever since we achieved Independence about 63 years. There appears ‘freedom for all regard for none’ including the essential commodities..

Ø In our Indians ‘ called Indian Americans’ can succeed in America or in other foreign countries Why can’t Indians in India succeed?

Ø If business magnets like Birlas, Tata, Mittal,Dalmia,Dhirubhai Ambani & so many others can show profitable successful business in India Why can’t Govt owned agencies?

This shows there is major lapse in planning things in Government departments. There is too much political interference and there is no accountability. There is no feeling of my Country and regard of Public property. All are for Gains but no one to share losses. Our people are ­­­­­­DEVOID OF NATIONAL SPIRIT? WHY?



Tuesday, July 6, 2010





Dear Rev Readers,

A few days ago on LIVE INDIA TV Channel I watched a discussion of Scientists expressing Speculations and apprehensions regarding the DOOMSDAY in the coming year of 2012 and no one could say any thing with certainty because science could not predict the likelihood of events that may take place in the Year 2012. It is likely to start from the year 2011, the 11th year of this century

I am an OSHO sanyasi by the name Swami Anand Aman. Our Reverend Master 40 years ago on 9th and 10th July, 1971 had delivered two lectures on Astrology (Jyotish) wherein his Holiness has explained that after every 11 years there are storms on SUN and how people on Earth can be affected. Nothing can be added or subtracted in the said lectures and I suggest that the curious persons may kindly listen to the said lectures of OSHO to get some enlightenment on the possibility of the happenings in the year 2012.

However, I being an OSHO sanyasi and a senior citizen having various experiences and study of different types of books and being a meditator and yogi because of meditation has acquired some spiritual crystal wisdom and on the basis of that would like to share my observation which I could predict about three years ago and my observation is as follows:-

(1) SUN – is a ball of fire, manifold bigger than our Earth, and many atom bomb like devices are bursting thereon and the flames are coming out of the SUN Ball from all around the SUN Ball. As per the science and the law of nature even though the flames are coming from the lower surface of the Ball and/or from the sides of the Ball in any case after covering some distance the flames start rising upward to form a big flame of blue fire in ascending order but in no case in descending order. Therefore, the apprehension of the scientists that the flames may be in descending order and/or from the sides of the Sun Ball are not bases on scientific logic and the law of nature.

(2) Secondly the SUN is far away from the Earth in the Levitation zone and in such a situation also the flames are bound to be in the ascending order. For example the astronauts have to wear a particular dress with heavy led material and with that too they have to force themselves on walk on the surface lest they may fall and/or fly away undesirably

(3) As per my Holy Master Bhagwan Shree OSHO , it is not going to be for

The first time. Therefore, it shall be a routine matter but with a little

Difference for Certain reasons and the reasons as per my wisdom are as follows:-

(a) In the year 2012 this being the year of the 11 series of this century is surely have storms on the SUN and the said storm shall emit electro magnetic rays. Although between the SUN and the Earth distance is wide and in between there are many layers of different types interrupting the electro magnetic rays to reach to the Earth, there is an aqua sphere immediately above the Earth. When electro magnetic rays shall pass through this aqua sphere the electrical current is bound to be violent, as you must have experienced that if due to some reason electric current passes through water we feel the electric shock. Similar situation is going to happen on that event also

(b) Like attracts like is the law of nature and also of our science. Now a day in every house and with every person, subject to exceptions of remote. areas, there are TV, Fridge, Washing machines and so many other gadgets operated by electricity and mobile phones and other such items are also electric battery operated and in almost all banks, offices and houses there are electric operated computers and all these electrical gadgets are most likely to be effected by the electro magnetic rays coming from the SUN in the year 2012 and in particular on 12th of December of the said year and this can cause damager to any extent because when there is fire the extent of damage cannot be pre estimated. Modern man and his house is keeping the self destructive devices like human bombs on Earth.

Some extracts from my Book Why Only Man is in Distress, Chapter 11 entitled ‘Cosmic Organic Whole (COW) are as follows:

“ As per numerology the occult number for GOD comes to G=3.O=7 & D=4 Total being 14=5, the essential elements/energies “ of which the whole Cosmos is made of.. ‘The visual known positive Energy is SUN number One (1) and the visual known negative energy is Moon number two (2). SUN is male number one (1) the beginning and Moon is feminine, consort, companion number two (2) and number 1 persons and number 2 persons vibrate together & are natural companions.’

“Hereinabove I have said God is like an Electric Current with positive and negative powers known to the modern science and for the production/generating of electricity either water is used, to generate Hydro-electricity or coal is used to generate thermo-electricity and now a days we are thinking to generate electricity through nuclear power and/or through Sun rays i.e. Solar energy. The purpose of mentioning the elements for generation of the electricity is not only the manifested form of various elements but the emphasize is on the unmanifested energy in the said elements which is invisible like smell/fragrance in a flower which can be felt but can’t be seen through any means and that energy about which I am talking is called the ‘Electro Magnetic Field’

Para 11.11 of my said chapter of my Book is as follows “Existence – means, the continued being in the manifested form of the un-manifest, the Eternity. All that we see in objective form and/or perceive through our senses is Existence having been evolved and dissolved in series from time to time as per the evolutions happening in the Cosmic Organization since ‘change is the law of nature’ It is time clock, as said above that after every eleven years and a half the evolutions do take place in the cosmos and this eternal law is un-changeable. It is well said that the ‘King can do no wrong’ and as per the Greek Philosopher PLATO, spiritual, platonic philosophy ‘every thing returns to its source/centre and as per our Zen Master OSHO ‘there is a period of equinoxes when the evolutions which cause their effect on the whole Universe including the human beings under the law of Cosmic Organic Whole take place for example the revolution of 1917. In our holy book ‘Gita’ Lord Krishna has said ‘Yada Yada ye Dhamasaya Gilini Bhavati Bharata…….. Each time when there is defection, disrespect to Dharma I take birth to establish the right order, therefore in the premises God, the Supreme King does not take any responsibility on his shoulders and thus can do no wrong itself’ and follows the rule ‘that King is the best who is hardly seen by the public’ but it creates the situation to punish the offenders and my readers shall appreciate that the time has come for that ‘Dooms Day’ because modern man has lost control over his senses and there is no respect for the established law both moral as well as statutory, women are disrespected, kidnapped and raped even by their own father, thefts and robberies are common and un-checked, innocent persons, even small children are being killed in the name of religion on caste grounds and for political differences, there is no tolerance among people, children are disrespectful and have become arrogant , no person feels safe of his life and belongings, people in positions like rulers are abused and shoes are thrown on them and in short there is a total break down and chaos not only among people but the atmosphere is also being polluted through emission of heat of electronic gadgets, nuclear devices and chemical gases causing global warming which shall have its own effects & consequences and thus the modern man is on the path of its suicide. I can foresee the clear writing on the wall. New Existence, New man will emerge with motto ‘One God, One Earth, One Humanity and one Religion, which comes from within of each Unique person, so be prepared to Ring out the Old and to Welcome the New in the best interest of healthy Humanity. Blessed shall be those who may see the New Era”

However one thing favorable can be predicted and that is as per the book by Cheiro’s the Sun is the King planet the numerical number of which is No ‘1’ and for the particular date of the year under question is 12-12-2012 ie 12= 1+2=3, Dec too =3 and 2012 – 2+1+2=5 hence 3+3+5=11= 2 that No 2 is symbolic for the planet MOON. Sun and the Moon are the balancing magnetic powers for each other; No one of the two can exist without the other. The two are not going to destroy each other. Even otherwise it is matter of routine after each interval of 11 years and since nothing undesirable has happened earlier this time also nothing much undesirable is going to happen. Moon has the feminine attributes of the SUN and for this reason alone, although No 1 and No 2 people are decidedly opposite to each other in their position and character, yet their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combination as partners and friends. The Moon is the Lord controller of water and PHYCHE (mind), Mind is controller of SOMA (body) O stands for Oxygen and TIC is contraction of face and to read it as a whole it is PSYCHOSOMATIC – means Body-Mind problems and the effect of MOON can attribute to the following:-

Ø > Sea is likely to be furious, there can be heavy rains, floods and storms in Rivers, due to electro magnetic rays coupled with the rays of electric devices with people and in their houses so there can be fires and due to the unprecedented heat glaciers on the mountains may melt to create floods in Rivers which may cause waste destruction and damage to people and property and animals .There is possibility of Lightning in clouds which may cause damage to people and property and animals.


Ø > There is possibility of people suffering from PSYCHOSOMATIC problems such as people going Mad, lunatic because of lunar effect, getting paralytic attacks etc.

But one thing can be said with certainty that there shall not be total DOOMSDAYS that the whole Earth and Humanity shall not be eliminated and go into ablution Change is the eternal Law of Nature and it shall take its course. Every person and every thing under the SUN has fixed tenure and is bound to be taken off at the pre destined time and

Date and there is nothing in our hands so let thy WILL prevail just be a witness in case HE allows you to be of the witness to the occurrence. GOD as a father shall take care, submit to HIS WILL in reverence un-conditional for your own peace of Mind and watch the PLAY (LEELA).

Total DOOMSDAY shall not be there but since absence of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony there can be a REVOLUTION like that of 1917 because there is absence of harmony from Individual home level to the National level and it spells disharmony and certainly precursor to the cause of agony in the shape of heavy disasters and/or REVOLUTION in or around 2017 after the gap of approximately hundred years from the revolution of 1917 following the cycle of storms on the SUN.

R.N.Prabhakar @ Sw Anand Aman.





Dear Rev Readers,

A few days ago on LIVE INDIA TV Channel I watched a discussion of Scientists expressing Speculations and apprehensions regarding the DOOMSDAY in the coming year of 2012 and no one could say any thing with certainty because science could not predict the likelihood of events that may take place in the Year 2012. It is likely to start from the year 2011, the 11th year of this century

I am an OSHO sanyasi by the name Swami Anand Aman. Our Reverend Master 40 years ago on 9th and 10th July, 1971 had delivered two lectures on Astrology (Jyotish) wherein his Holiness has explained that after every 11 years there are storms on SUN and how people on Earth can be affected. Nothing can be added or subtracted in the said lectures and I suggest that the curious persons may kindly listen to the said lectures of OSHO to get some enlightenment on the possibility of the happenings in the year 2012.

However, I being an OSHO sanyasi and a senior citizen having various experiences and study of different types of books and being a meditator and yogi because of meditation has acquired some spiritual crystal wisdom and on the basis of that would like to share my observation which I could predict about three years ago and my observation is as follows:-

(1) SUN – is a ball of fire, manifold bigger than our Earth, and many atom bomb like devices are bursting thereon and the flames are coming out of the SUN Ball from all around the SUN Ball. As per the science and the law of nature even though the flames are coming from the lower surface of the Ball and/or from the sides of the Ball in any case after covering some distance the flames start rising upward to form a big flame of blue fire in ascending order but in no case in descending order. Therefore, the apprehension of the scientists that the flames may be in descending order and/or from the sides of the Sun Ball are not bases on scientific logic and the law of nature.

(2) Secondly the SUN is far away from the Earth in the Levitation zone and in such a situation also the flames are bound to be in the ascending order. For example the astronauts have to wear a particular dress with heavy led material and with that too they have to force themselves on walk on the surface lest they may fall and/or fly away undesirably

(3) As per my Holy Master Bhagwan Shree OSHO , it is not going to be for

The first time. Therefore, it shall be a routine matter but with a little

Difference for Certain reasons and the reasons as per my wisdom are as follows:-

(a) In the year 2012 this being the year of the 11 series of this century is surely have storms on the SUN and the said storm shall emit electro magnetic rays. Although between the SUN and the Earth distance is wide and in between there are many layers of different types interrupting the electro magnetic rays to reach to the Earth, there is an aqua sphere immediately above the Earth. When electro magnetic rays shall pass through this aqua sphere the electrical current is bound to be violent, as you must have experienced that if due to some reason electric current passes through water we feel the electric shock. Similar situation is going to happen on that event also

(b) Like attracts like is the law of nature and also of our science. Now a day in every house and with every person, subject to exceptions of remote. areas, there are TV, Fridge, Washing machines and so many other gadgets operated by electricity and mobile phones and other such items are also electric battery operated and in almost all banks, offices and houses there are electric operated computers and all these electrical gadgets are most likely to be effected by the electro magnetic rays coming from the SUN in the year 2012 and in particular on 12th of December of the said year and this can cause damager to any extent because when there is fire the extent of damage cannot be pre estimated. Modern man and his house is keeping the self destructive devices like human bombs on Earth.

Some extracts from my Book Why Only Man is in Distress, Chapter 11 entitled ‘Cosmic Organic Whole (COW) are as follows:

“ As per numerology the occult number for GOD comes to G=3.O=7 & D=4 Total being 14=5, the essential elements/energies “ of which the whole Cosmos is made of.. ‘The visual known positive Energy is SUN number One (1) and the visual known negative energy is Moon number two (2). SUN is male number one (1) the beginning and Moon is feminine, consort, companion number two (2) and number 1 persons and number 2 persons vibrate together & are natural companions.’

“Hereinabove I have said God is like an Electric Current with positive and negative powers known to the modern science and for the production/generating of electricity either water is used, to generate Hydro-electricity or coal is used to generate thermo-electricity and now a days we are thinking to generate electricity through nuclear power and/or through Sun rays i.e. Solar energy. The purpose of mentioning the elements for generation of the electricity is not only the manifested form of various elements but the emphasize is on the unmanifested energy in the said elements which is invisible like smell/fragrance in a flower which can be felt but can’t be seen through any means and that energy about which I am talking is called the ‘Electro Magnetic Field’

Para 11.11 of my said chapter of my Book is as follows “Existence – means, the continued being in the manifested form of the un-manifest, the Eternity. All that we see in objective form and/or perceive through our senses is Existence having been evolved and dissolved in series from time to time as per the evolutions happening in the Cosmic Organization since ‘change is the law of nature’ It is time clock, as said above that after every eleven years and a half the evolutions do take place in the cosmos and this eternal law is un-changeable. It is well said that the ‘King can do no wrong’ and as per the Greek Philosopher PLATO, spiritual, platonic philosophy ‘every thing returns to its source/centre and as per our Zen Master OSHO ‘there is a period of equinoxes when the evolutions which cause their effect on the whole Universe including the human beings under the law of Cosmic Organic Whole take place for example the revolution of 1917. In our holy book ‘Gita’ Lord Krishna has said ‘Yada Yada ye Dhamasaya Gilini Bhavati Bharata…….. Each time when there is defection, disrespect to Dharma I take birth to establish the right order, therefore in the premises God, the Supreme King does not take any responsibility on his shoulders and thus can do no wrong itself’ and follows the rule ‘that King is the best who is hardly seen by the public’ but it creates the situation to punish the offenders and my readers shall appreciate that the time has come for that ‘Dooms Day’ because modern man has lost control over his senses and there is no respect for the established law both moral as well as statutory, women are disrespected, kidnapped and raped even by their own father, thefts and robberies are common and un-checked, innocent persons, even small children are being killed in the name of religion on caste grounds and for political differences, there is no tolerance among people, children are disrespectful and have become arrogant , no person feels safe of his life and belongings, people in positions like rulers are abused and shoes are thrown on them and in short there is a total break down and chaos not only among people but the atmosphere is also being polluted through emission of heat of electronic gadgets, nuclear devices and chemical gases causing global warming which shall have its own effects & consequences and thus the modern man is on the path of its suicide. I can foresee the clear writing on the wall. New Existence, New man will emerge with motto ‘One God, One Earth, One Humanity and one Religion, which comes from within of each Unique person, so be prepared to Ring out the Old and to Welcome the New in the best interest of healthy Humanity. Blessed shall be those who may see the New Era”

However one thing favorable can be predicted and that is as per the book by Cheiro’s the Sun is the King planet the numerical number of which is No ‘1’ and for the particular date of the year under question is 12-12-2012 ie 12= 1+2=3, Dec too =3 and 2012 – 2+1+2=5 hence 3+3+5=11= 2 that No 2 is symbolic for the planet MOON. Sun and the Moon are the balancing magnetic powers for each other; No one of the two can exist without the other. The two are not going to destroy each other. Even otherwise it is matter of routine after each interval of 11 years and since nothing undesirable has happened earlier this time also nothing much undesirable is going to happen. Moon has the feminine attributes of the SUN and for this reason alone, although No 1 and No 2 people are decidedly opposite to each other in their position and character, yet their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combination as partners and friends. The Moon is the Lord controller of water and PHYCHE (mind), Mind is controller of SOMA (body) O stands for Oxygen and TIC is contraction of face and to read it as a whole it is PSYCHOSOMATIC – means Body-Mind problems and the effect of MOON can attribute to the following:-

Ø > Sea is likely to be furious, there can be heavy rains, floods and storms in Rivers, due to electro magnetic rays coupled with the rays of electric devices with people and in their houses so there can be fires and due to the unprecedented heat glaciers on the mountains may melt to create floods in Rivers which may cause waste destruction and damage to people and property and animals .There is possibility of Lightning in clouds which may cause damage to people and property and animals.


Ø > There is possibility of people suffering from PSYCHOSOMATIC problems such as people going Mad, lunatic because of lunar effect, getting paralytic attacks etc.

But one thing can be said with certainty that there shall not be total DOOMSDAYS that the whole Earth and Humanity shall not be eliminated and go into ablution Change is the eternal Law of Nature and it shall take its course. Every person and every thing under the SUN has fixed tenure and is bound to be taken off at the pre destined time and

Date and there is nothing in our hands so let thy WILL prevail just be a witness in case HE allows you to be of the witness to the occurrence. GOD as a father shall take care, submit to HIS WILL in reverence un-conditional for your own peace of Mind and watch the PLAY (LEELA).

Total DOOMSDAY shall not be there but since absence of harmony spells disharmony precursor to the cause of agony there can be a REVOLUTION like that of 1917 because there is absence of harmony from Individual home level to the National level and it spells disharmony and certainly precursor to the cause of agony in the shape of heavy disasters and/or REVOLUTION in or around 2017 after the gap of approximately hundred years from the revolution of 1917 following the cycle of storms on the SUN.

R.N.Prabhakar @ Sw Anand Aman.


Sunday, July 4, 2010


Special Question for Hon'ble Law Minister Mr M Veerappa Moily further to my Blog published earlier today on this subject Whether the Minister feels
:that the Members of the Constitution Assembly who drafter the Constitution of India with Dignity clause therein; and
the Members of the Drafting committee of Geneva Convention Act. and
the Legal Luminaries who drafted the Criminal Procedure Code



Malice towards none.

Reference Hindustan Times dated July 5, 2010 News Item by HT Correspondent “CHILD ABUSE BILL: ACCUSED MUST PROVE INNOCENCE


Dignity of the Individual is grunted by the preamble of Constitution of India and also by Article 3(c) of Geneva Convention Act.

The existent Law is that the accused is Innocent unless guilt is proved against him beyond any reasonable doubt – assuring Dignity of Citizens of the Republic of India. It is a fundamental Right of an Individual. By bringing the proposed Bill to shift the Onus on the Accused the Hon’ble wise Law Minister shall be nullifying the provisions of the Constitution of India and also of the Geneva Convention Act.

The proposed Bill is ought to be mis-used. Any Child can be made to say, for some reasons, that Mr M.Veerappa Moily, the law minister has molested him – Then What?

PONDER OVER- Malice towards none

Democracy means a Government of the People, by the People and for the People--- De-jure
but we find the spellings and meaning of the words have changed and now a days

Democracy means a Government OFF the People, BUY the People and FAR the People --Defacto

This is what we have achieved after 63 years of Independence!!! It is because of the fact that VOTER is not AWAKE and incapable to exercise his Vote power correctly & because of adult franchise.


Malice towards none

From today I am starting the series under the Title mentioned above with a view

To mobilize Public Opinion for creating reforms in Society and Government departments to make a Healthy Society and a Healthy Nation. I seek the valued blessings of all my Reverend readers to read my Blogs in the same Positive Spirit and meanings. Let us be CREATIVES BUT NOT CRITICS in the best interest of Humanity – a Universal FRATINITY. Let’s shake hands and feel the Warmth of Love which is functional GOD within all of us.

I dedicate this series to my Beloved Child Mr G. Rahul who created the Blog, Twitter and Face Book for me and gave me exposure to the World through internet. Not only this he helped me by typing my three Books viz WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS, HINDU DEITIES & DOGMAS VERSUS SPIRITUALITY & GEMS FOR LIFE & a collection of my English Poems entitled SONG OF LIFE. I express my heartiest thanks for him and pray to God for his Happy and Healthy married life for ever, this is the expression from my SOUL.

I further express my heartiest thanks and convey my Blessings for Happy and Healthy life for ever to my Beloved Grand son Mr Jai Karan Prabhakar who helped me in learning computer typing and because of him I am today from my readers through my humble writings, This is the expression from my SOUL.

R.N. Prabhakar @ Swami Anand Aman.


During Elections Politicians Promise all the Best to Voters

But after Elections it proves otherwise, that is all the Best for Politicians

And all the Worst for the Voters who voted them to Power and made them

VVIPs ---- for the Elected Politician, Very Important person

W IP------ for the Voter, if two Vs are joined it looks W for Worst Important person

WIPE is an English word meaning to ‘Erase’ ‘to wipe off’, so there is no fault on the

Part of the Politicians but it is the Fault of English language before Elections who was Important.> Voter, after Election who is important Politician <, so it is the fault of ‘<’ ‘>’, right or left. Hence the King can do no wrong, similarly Politician can do no wrong it is a matter of punctuation where to place a coma or an arrow for example take a Hindi sentence PAKRO, MAT JANA DO vs PAKRO MAT, JANA DO. It is all the problem of punctuation and fortunately the Politicians are hardly educated and where does the question of knowing punctuation arise. Hence ignorance is bliss for the Politicians, the fault is only of the VOTERS who made them VVIPs leaders are interested in joining hence they Joined the two Vs to read as ‘W’= VV.

Before Elections all the promises for regular Water, Electricity, Good Roads, Safety, Dignity, concessions of all types, security, good nutrias food etc that all that is good is

For the > VOTER but after Elections all that is for the > POLITICIANS

Hence: my dear Readers AWAKE, AWAKE & AWAKE for your true Independence & freedom from the POLICICIANS & PRIESTS in your own interest, they both are enjoying at your cost.



During Elections Politicians Promise all the Best to Voters

But after Elections it proves otherwise, that is all the Best for Politicians

And all the Worst for the Voters who voted them to Power and made them

VVIPs ---- for the Elected Politician, Very Important person

W IP------ for the Voter, if two Vs are joined it looks W for Worst Important person

WIPE is an English word meaning to ‘Erase’ ‘to wipe off’, so there is no fault on the

Part of the Politicians but it is the Fault of English language before Elections who was Important.> Voter, after Election who is important Politician <, so it is the fault of ‘<’ ‘>’, right or left. Hence the King can do no wrong, similarly Politician can do no wrong it is a matter of punctuation where to place a coma or an arrow for example take a Hindi sentence PAKRO, MAT JANA DO vs PAKRO MAT, JANA DO. It is all the problem of punctuation and fortunately the Politicians are hardly educated and where does the question of knowing punctuation arise. Hence ignorance is bliss for the Politicians, the fault is only of the VOTERS who made them VVIPs leaders are interested in joining hence they Joined the two Vs to read as ‘W’= VV.

Before Elections all the promises for regular Water, Electricity, Good Roads, Safety, Dignity, concessions of all types, security, good nutrias food etc that all that is good is

For the > VOTER but after Elections all that is for the > POLITICIANS

Hence: my dear Readers AWAKE, AWAKE & AWAKE for your true Independence & freedom from the POLICICIANS & PRIESTS in your own interest, they both are enjoying at your cost.


Friday, July 2, 2010

CW Games OR Sex Games: Sounds Funny?

Dear Rev Readers,
Just after three months CW games are going to start & in todays News Paper Hindustan Times dated July 2,2010 at page 5 there is a news "Machines to vend low-cost condoms at every stadium as per Mr Himanshu Bhardwaj national Manager HLFPPT 150 machines will deliver around 3,000 to 3,300 packs every day i.e. around 4,5ooo + packs per day. Is it not prompting and faclitating sex
not only to foreign delegates but also to Indians also who are sex hungry- shall there be normal games or sex games? White ladies are already prone to sex advances by Indians what will happen during games. Where is our traditional culture when we are promoting sex under the garb for safety against AIDS.
WWW- Wealth, Women and Wine are the three things for making a man wild like an animal. Recently I read in news papers that Govt has allowed small eating places to serve wine & beer during Games. When Wine is available, condome is available woman is available how will you exercise control over your men who is already indulging in Rapes of foreign nationals. Will there be no eve teasing, Stalkeds, lwed remarks and what not to think over?

There is a well known saying if wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, some thing is lost; and if character is lost, every thing is lost. Here I find in India that 'character' has been lost. A few days ago it was in new a girl of 14 years delivered a baby in her school washroom & had put it in the flush tank - so bold! In todays same news paper I mentioned above on front page is a news "PRE-TEEENS MOLEST, KILL 5- YEAR OLD" GIRL Two boys aged 12 & 10 throttled the girl to death. This is not the end. Rapes among family members, neighbours, friends, business places has become a commom new items.My grandson was in 9th standard and I had to teach him social studies in chapters pertaining to sex education I found words which I could not dare to explain to the child- I was feeling funky but the child told me I know this chapter well. At my asking who taught you the Chapter, his answer was "Mam" & it is an co-ed school- if teen aged children indulge into sex who is responsible? I ask.

The purpose of this Blog, my dear readers is not to criticise only but to make my readers to ponder over that there are no positive lines of thinking and making national policies at any level even after 63 years of Independence. Our leaders, subject to exceptions, are mostely below average people, having criminal records, with no experience, and we have voted them to power and made them VVIPs- and since power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely, they have been absolutely corrupted and as per our 2nd President Dr S. Radhakrishnan" corruption is Rampant at all levels" as he then said and now its is multifold more.



Thursday, July 1, 2010

Common Wealth Games & Rising Crime in Delhi, the Capital of India is a concern of every citizen since reputation of our Country is at state. Crores of rupees have been spent to make Delhi a presentable for the Games when Foreign people will visit India but the Law & Order situation is worsening day after day ever since the count down has begun. Every day Morders, rapes, rubberies, snatchinh, cheating are reported in New Papers and on TV channels. Our people civilians, police personnel, municipal authorities show indifferent attitude as if they are least concerned. I as a citizen concerned feel too much about the situation and some times feel perhaps there is some deep rooted conspiracy behind all this. It is well said by some one that Money loss is no loss, health lost is some thing lost and if character is lost every thing is lost. Here what I observe is that Character has been lost. I feel it is due to the wrong policies of the governments because we have no programmes for character building and there is no harmonny among the citizens and the police authorities and Municipal authorities Our own citizens dont feel safe in their houses. There is no honesty, sense of responsibility and dedication. Corruption has become the order of the day & I am reminded of the observation of Justice B.N. Agarwal of the Supreme Court (since Retd) that EVEN GOD CANNOT CHANGE OUR COUNTRY. We are bound to suffer because of our wrong policies. There is no appreciation for the merit but we have become a Nation of FLAUNTS. No one of the political parties is interested the development of the Nation and the Voters who voted them to power.Absence of Harmony spells dishormony percerser to the cause of agony which we are bound to suffer. We are helpless spectators to the present state of affairs. I call upon the Intellectuals to come forward, join hands to make India a country a place worth living. The World is a dangerious place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing- Albert Einstine hence I pose a question to all Intellectuals whether we are not ACCOMPLICE to the present state of affairs? WHAT we are going to give to our coming generation? Democrary has failed we need MERITOCRACY It now time to act as responsible citizens. United we stand divided we fall, so lets unite in the interest of our Country which has been plundered by Priests and Politicians during the post 63 years. Jai Hind.

R. N. PRABHAKAR Off-Cum-Res Phone: 011-23612712

ADVOCATE Mobile:09810249229

HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)


Author, Spiritualist, Yogi & Motivator


Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association



Absence of harmony spells disharmony which is precursor of cause of agony to Body,

Mind and soul resulting into various unlawful activities such as suicides among students,

Farmers, businessmen, house-wives, young and elderly persons, corruption among

personnel’s civil and military , rapes, molestations, violations of law , immature ,irresponsible

and unparliamentary behaviors on the part of public representatives of fighting in the w

well of the house at all levels etc and to seek redress from such ailments one seeks shelt

shelter in wind, woman, wealth and goondaism anywhere and everywhere because man

is a nomad away from his center.

Omniscient God just out of its pleasure for the reasons best known to himalone created this Universe with his Universal Life Force Energy and that energy alone runs through all of its creation, be it man, animal, birds, vegetation, movable or immovable substances like water, air, gases, earth or mountains, planets or stars or what-so-ever on, above or under the earth we see or conceive whether in form or form-less are all functioning at its pleasure and He alone holds the remote control of all movables or immovable and all are performing continuously as per his rule of law which is perfect, flawless, accurate, automatic, effortless, silent, ever fresh, ever young, and always moving. That is why it is said existence is eternal and circular but it never repeats. It is all a mystery, a flux, volatile, serene, paradoxical, ascetic, perception, ecstatic, dance or a Lela of the Supreme Sovereign.

Man by its very nature is possessive from its childhood when he asserts through ‘mine’, ‘me’ and ‘I’ the ego. He is ambitious, adventurous and lover of freedom but nothing happens as per his plans because man is so tiny before the Existence and his plans are also tiny and based on his limited vision and needs which have no value before the vast and overall plans of Existence. So the rule / order or command of the omnipresent prevails upon the individual that is why it is well said, “man purposes GOD disposes”.

Right from the conception of the child he is looked after and cared by the Existence – GOD and according to the laws of Existence which include astrology, it can be predicted about the life style of the child to be delivered including his body built-up and what status he would acquire in life because the planetary position at the time of conception of the child which is sure to play its part in shaping the life style of man that is why I would suggest that sexual inter course for the purpose of reproduction must be made very carefully keeping in view what type of child is desired by the parents and it must be done at auspicious hours after due prayers and when the reproduction is not the idea the sexual intercourse should be made with the idea to attain ecstatic ‘samadhy’ which means same ‘equal’ and ‘adhi’ means eternal i.e. our soul or spirit in our body and the maha soul/ spirit should merge and mingle and become one they should not remain two i.e. what we mean by advait (not two) when the common letter ‘T’ is taken off from NOT TWO it reads NOW – O, you are GOD just now, O is shunya, oxygen containing Pran which is the lifecord in living beings.

GOD is our creator and is always happy with us, what we need is to express our thanks and gratitude toward Him for all his benevolence and act according to our inner voice because to act according to one’s nature is ‘dharma’ and to disobey your own nature is ‘adharma’. GOD with in our body gives his command through one’s nature, inner voice or wish. So never ignore or disobey your inner voice/ wish but act accordingly for solace, peace and pleasure. It is natural that when-ever we think of some problem, we get the answer, solution from our within but the inner voice is very soft and subtile so if we are not inner awake we just miss the inner advice or some times is the inner advice does not suit our mundane, vested interests we just ignore it, we take the help of budhi, intellect which is based on acquired knowledge from educational institutions, social forums and family usages or customs which are opposed or different to the inner natural norms this puts the man on the wrong track.

In the whole Universe Man is the only ctreation of GOD who is Laugh and Smile but we have forgotten to smile. Smile is a curve which can set things straight. Love Nature and discard all man made through mind which is a barrier between “MAYA” &” BRAHM”

This is on the basis of the contents of my Book WHY ONLY MAN IS IN DISTRESS.

Yours truly,


R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712

ADVOCATE Mobile:09810249229

HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

Author, Social Activist, Spiritualist, Motivator & Yogi. Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005

President: E–Mail:

Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association

Date: 28th July 2007



On 26th July on JANMAT TV and through news media I learnt that a child of three days with 26 injuries/wounds was found on a garbage and it was noticed by a milk man in the morning who in turn inform the police who took the child to the hospital for treatment. I being a meditator, a sociologist and a senior lawyer was shocked and obliged to ponder over as to what sin or crime the three days old child could commit for which he suffered the 26 wound on his body without any resistance. Obviously one thinks of the Karmas committed in the past life. If so the question arises after conception of child why the child was allowed to grow till its delivery and to suffer the injuries? The second question arises that why the child was protected of course by the omnipresent God, the energy attached to all its fragments, cordless in the form of breath inhaling and exhaling to sustain the life for which the child of course could not pray but it was due to the blessings of the God that from the time at night when the child was abandoned till dawn when the child was noticed by the God sent milk man, the child was not harmed by any animal like dogs who could eat the soft flesh. Obviously one is obliged to conclude that God was not annoyed with the child and wanted him to live perhaps he was given birth for some higher cause to achieve during his life. It is said that bachha bhagwan ka roop hota hai but perhaps the adult wise parents of the child had no regard and respect for the child/God.

As a sociologist I am obliged to ponder over that due to some social stigmas the birth of a child was against the man made social norms although natural. Here also if some violation of social laws is there it is on the part of the parents of the child and for that the child deserves no punishment and as a senior lawyer of standing I am obliged to brood that in a social welfare state what protection is given to the innocent, helpless and a non resistant child at the hands of unsocial acts committed by the parents of the child. We achieved independence sixty years ago when the citizens were free to move and live a life of dignity but during the past sixty years of freedom the humanity has been degraded to the extent of shame where there is no respect for law be it statutory, moral or natural. Are we the citizens of so called free India progressing towards barbarianism against the civilization and yet claim the great devotees of God?

Jako rakhe saian mar sakai no koya

Bal na bakan kar saka

Chahe sub jug vari hoy

R. N. Prabhakar

Amendment in Criminal Law pertaining to Rape, sexual harrassment etc. Home Ministry had called for suggestions from Public and I was one of the concerned citizen who sent the suggestions but inspite of that the Bill to amend the law is being introduced through cabinet as perpoted in Hindustan Times dated 1st July 2010 I wish to share my suggestions with public and am attaching the letter addressed to Shri Onkar Kedia Spokesman of the Ministry of Home Affairs please go through, you may appreciate my views


R. N. PRABHAKAR off-cum-res Phone: 011-23612712

Mobile: 9810249229


HIGH COURT & SUPREME COURT 204, Gali No. 7, Faiz Road (Joshi Road)

Author, Social Activist, Spiritualist, Motivator & Yogi Karol Bagh, New Delhi–110 005


Karol Bagh Senior Citizen’s Welfare Association ______________________________________________________________________

Shri Onkar Kedia,

Home Ministry Spokesman.

Ministry of Home Affairs,

South Block, Central Secretariat.

New Delhi.

Subject: Draft Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2010. : Responses sought from Public.

Dear Sir,

I am a senior citizen of 74 years of age and a practicing senior Lawyer for the last 46 years having practiced in Criminal law, an author and a social activist having appeared on TV for a good number of times. After reading the news from the Hindustan Times dated April 1, 2010 under the heading ‘ NEW DRAFT RAPE LAW HAS MORE TEETH, WIDER SCOPE’ I was just stunned and obliged to ponder over and to pose Questions to myself and also to the Society and of course to concerned officers of your Ministry who have drafted the proposed CRIMINAL LAW (Amendment) Bill, 2010 and the Questions are(1) ‘ HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF RAPE/ SEXUAL ASSAULT AMONGEST ANIMALS, BIRDS AND/OR OTHER SPECIES” (2) WHETHER RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT THE PASSIVE CONCENT OF THE ALLEGED VICTIM (3) WHETHER THE LONGER TERM OF JAIL FOR THE OFFENDER SHALL HAVE THE DESIRED AFFECT AND WHETHER TILL DATE THE LONG JAIL TERMS HAVE PROVED USEFUL AND/OR DETERENT AGAINST THE CRIME WHICH IS GROWING BY EVERY DAY AND NIGHT?????? And the Big Experienced Answer is BIG NO.

Standing ARMY AND MAN MADE LAWS ENECTED IN AC ROOMS have never achieved the desired goal and shall never achieve it in future also unless you deal with the core Question and the cause of the matter leading to the offence. Society is suffering from toxins/ cancers and the people at the helm of affairs are just trying to cut the rotten fruits without caring to remove the rotten roots but cutting the spoiled leaves or spoiled branches the matter is not going to be solved.We are dealing with human beings and must deal with the human problems with a human approach and it cannot be trough mind which muddles the matters. Mind crests a mess of the matters because human mind because of the man made laws and norms be it social, statutory, religious and/or some usages been corrupted, it has lost rationality and harmony with nature and with fellow beings and absence of harmony spells disharmony a precursor to the cause of agony-psychomatic pertaining to body-mind and soul. We are trying to give pain killers to suppress the local pain which is not curative to the cause of the pain. Now lets us just ponder over as to what are the causes:-

1. Absence of Social control and harmony among the nuclear turned families in the Metropolitan cities and there suburbs.

2. Easy flow of money to purchase luxuries and mad rush for flaunt life style.

3. Degradation of Civilization and advancement towards Barbarianism because of the above two causes because in the Metropolitan cities people have lost social control of parents and society being no fear of social boycott ,no fear of Law and order because corruption is rampant at all levels since the ages old phrase that MONEY MAKES THE MAIR GO has become the rule of Law in all walks of life be it Police, Public dealing agencies, law dispensing authorities and/or our elected representatives at all levels.

4. Rape and/or sexual assault is in fact NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE without the passive/implied consent the alleged victim since male is inherently a subservient to the female right from his birth.

5. In the present era of life a male if always under some kind of pressure such as pressure of studies at school/college level, pressure to compete with others in business or profession, tendency to acquire more and more assets by fair or foul means all leading to unrest, frustration, depression, family tensions adding fuel to the fire and to get some relaxation out of the tense life one indulges into un-civilized acts without caring for the consequences which may take place some where in future. After birth every one knows that death is the only certainty but whether any one is aware and feels concerned about that truth.

6. Breathing in and out and consuming food is necessary for the life to proceed but Love is the food for the Soul- which is hungry in all respects and a man is devoid of true love because of the lack of Awareness. We need to provide awareness to people for which there is NO agency or Source in the present setup. Our system as a whole has been corrupted and it needs a sincere Review at grass root levels and not through logical discussions sitting in A/C room far away from the people at large. BE HUMAN TO DEAL WITH HUMAN PROPLEMS WHICH ARE CREATED BY US ONLY.


1. The proposed amendments are most likely to be misused to take revenge and/or blackmail the alleged offender.

2. It is just providing a gun in the hands of an immature person to shoot for pleasure.

3. Barring the accuser’s counsel from raising questions about the victims character or antecedents during court proceedings shall amount to condemning the accused without trial and without providing the opportunity to defend himself which shall be against the cannons of Natural Justice and Article 19 of the Constitution of India..

4. Ensuring the Court in not allowing the accused to confront the victim with her previous statement would amount to providing her to seek legal advice after thought with malafide intentions leading to malicious prosecution for vested interests after thought. Please refer to the “CYCLE CASE” referred to on page 5 of the same news paper which has been decided by Hon’ble Supreme Court

May I hope that my views expressed on the basis of my practical experience in life shall not be thrown the waste paper basket as a cry in the wilderness by a common man in our so called democratic setup and if possible I shall be given an opportunity to discuss the matter with you in person in the larges interest of Justice without any bias/prejudices of any kind but in the interest of Harmony amongst the persons concerned???

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


In the Interest of Justice and also in the Interest of Public copy forwarded for Information and necessary action to:-

  1. The Hindustan Times,Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi with reference to the News published in the Paper dated April 1, 2010 front page Col. 2.
  2. Delhi Aaj Tak, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, in the interest of Public and Justice to the citizens.