Sunday, November 20, 2011


Right to Education is a political stunt, Vote bank policy at public cost. There is well known saying you can take the horse to water but cannot force it to drink. It is a personal choice. You should not compel by Law to study. One must have capability to study. Spending money on free education and inducements like dress & food is waste of Public money.
Those who wanted to study like Hon'ble APJ Abdul Kalam . Late Lal Bahadur Shastri, Ishwar Chander Vidys Sagar, Abrahim Linken and many many others could study without RIGHT TO EDUCATION. On the other Hand those who wish to study at their own expenses do not get seats in Schools and Colleges and are obliged to pay donations or bribe either in cash and/or in some kind. No useful purpose shall be served by Implementing the RIGHT TO EDUCATION ACT. It is likely to be misused, abused like Dowry Act, Domestic Voilence Act, Pension to Old people and/or Widows just to take undue advantage of the scheme. Human Resources are being misused and Educated young people are taking to crime and/or join Terror outfits being devoid of suitable jobs.
I am an Author, Advocate by profession with 48 years of standing, social activist, spiritualist. motivator and Yogi and am ready to discuss the matter in person if granted a personal interview
you can contact me at Mobile No. 98102492299 R.N. Prabhakar, Advocate.

Monday, November 14, 2011



>United we stand divided we fall is very old phrase but we Indians refuse to learn

>It is also said for a wise person to ‘commit one mistake a day but never commit the same mistake twice’ since for the second mistake you shall be called a ‘fool.

>It is also well said‘ I Trusted you but you cheated me ‘SHAME ON YOU’, I Trusted you but you cheated me Twice ‘SHAME ON ME.

In the year 1947 we were trapped by British Raj and accepted division of United India into two parts which are now three parts and the POK under dispute and tensions are continuing in each part at high cost since we are people who refuse to learn from our mistakes. Much more can be said on this point which is already well known to every common man except politicians.

After Independence our wise man the First Governor General of Free India Late C. Rajgopal Acharya advised Late Pt. JawaharLal Nehru to divide India into four Zones East, West, North & South for administrative purposes but not to create State on linguistic bases but our Late PM did not agree with a view to reach closer to the people but the question is WHETHER AAM AADMI IN ANY STATE AND IN OVER ALL INDIA FEELS SAFE, SECURED, DIGNIFIED, CITIZENS OF FREE INDIA IN FACT? Law & order problems are there and we have experienced attacks by neighboring on only on our borders but within our famous cities because there is lack of coordination & cooperation among different concerned agencies and National Investigating Agency was created BUT we never learn from mistakes.

Democracy on paper is Govt by the People, For the People and Of the People BUT spellings of key words have changed instead of ‘BY read BUY’ instead of ‘For read FAR’ and instead of ‘ OF read OFF’ This is how Government(s) are reaching closer to the people.

In the year 1947 there used to be Inspector General of Police in Delhi for better rule and control over law and order problems we adopted COMMISSIONER system with greater powers and the Law & Order situation if NO SECRET from any one including small children and Women. SYSTEMS NEVER BRING IN THE CHANGE, IT’S THE PEOPLE WHO NEED TO BE CHANGED. But its not possible in the present set up and Mr Justice B.N. Agarwal Retired from Supreme Court of India had rightly observed ‘ EVEN GOD CANNOT CHANGE THIS COUNTRY’

M.C.D. is like a one unit house any sub-letting shall create multiple problems for the citizens YES but more BUREAUCRATS, MORE INFRASTRUCTURE AND MORE BURDEN ON CITIZENS for less amenities and easements.

Govt. at State and at Centre follow the British Policy of DIVIDE & RULE fleece public as much as possible and make hay while the SUN shines because next Election may be different. Citizens must feel twice SHAME for themselves for voting to power those who never deliver to the Public but PAY PACKETS OF REPRESENTATIVES ARE BECOMING HEAVY & HEAVY.

R.N. PRABHAKAR, Advocate, Contact No. 9810249229